Friday, December 10, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
雅各書 James - Lesson 5
Friday, November 19, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
Friday, November 5, 2010
雅各書 James - Lesson 2
Friday, October 22, 2010
雅各書 James - Lesson 1
馬太福音II Matthew II - Lesson 6 - 2010/10/22
Thursday, October 14, 2010
馬太福音II Matthew II - Lesson 5 - 2010/10/16
- 1. 你認為現今是否已經是末世(end times)了?有沒有經文的根據?另外馬太24:8中提到的末期(the end)和末世(end times)是否一樣?如果不是,那末期是指甚麼時候?
- 在太25:1~13聰明童女和愚拙童女的比喻中,你覺得拿著燈是甚麼意思?預備油又是甚麼意思?主對那愚拙童女的懲罰會不會太重了?
- 主耶穌在馬太25:31~46的講論中,你認為綿羊是指誰說的?山羊是指誰呢?
- Do you think we are already in the End Times today? Is there any biblical evidence to back it up? Also Matthew 24:8 spoke about “the end” and “end times”, what are the differences between these two terms?
- In Matthew 25:1-13, what do you think is the meaning of holding the light in the parable of the wise and foolish virgins? What does preparing enough oil mean? Is God’s punishment of the foolish virgins too hard?
- In Matthew 15:31-46, Jesus's parable, whom do you think the term "sheep" is referring to? And whom do you think the term "goat" is referring to?
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
馬太福音II Matthew II - Lesson 4 - 2010/10/9
太 22:37 耶穌對他說:你要盡心、盡性、盡意愛主─你的神。
太 22:38 這是誡命中的第一,且是最大的。
- 第一和最大的誡命是?
- 你是否把屬神的歸於神,把屬該撒的歸該撒?
- 你是否活出你所講的還是只在說?你是否有一些目標想達成,卻只放在心上沒有去做?你要如何使這些變得實際,成為你生活的一部份?
Read Matthew ch. 22-23
Memory Verse: Matthew 22:37-38
37 Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.
38 This is the first and greatest commandment.
Discussion Question:
- What is the first and greatest commandment?
- Are you giving to God what belongs to God? Are you giving to Caesar what belongs to Caesar?
- Are you walking the talk or just talking the talk? Are there areas or goals that you have where you long to be able to walk out what you long for in your heart or you know you should be doing? Any ideas on making it practical and a part of your life?
Friday, September 24, 2010
馬太福音II Matthew II - Lesson 3 - 2010/10/2
1. 就聖經而論到底基督徒可不可以離婚? (太19:3~12)
2. 當神給你一個命令是你做不到的時候,你會如何反應? (太19:16~27)
3. 在葡萄園工人的比喻裡,你覺得這個主人給的工價合理嗎? 他的工人有權力提出抗議嗎?你覺得這個比喻是在講什麼? (太20:1~16)
Next Week’s Homework:
Read Matthew 19 – 21:46
Memorize Matthew 20:26-28
Discussion Questions:
1. According to the Bible, can Christians divorce? (Matt19:3~12)
2. What would you do if God's commandment to you is difficult to obey? (Matt 19:16~27)
3. In the parable of the Vineyard keeper, do you think the Master's salary is fair? Do his workers have the right to object? What do you think this parable is referring to? (Matt 20:1-16)
Monday, September 20, 2010
馬太福音II Matthew II - Lesson 2 - 2010/09/25
讀經:馬太福音16:21 - 18:35
- 主耶穌在太16:23中為何要那樣嚴厲地說彼得?畢竟彼得是一片好心啊﹗
- 主耶穌在高山上改變形像時,有舊約中的摩西和以利亞向門徒顯現,這有沒有特殊的意義?與上一章的重要啟示有相關嗎?
- 如果你的弟兄犯罪或是得罪你,你該怎麼辦?彼得的問題與前面處理犯錯的原則有何相關?在饒恕人這件事上有那些要點值得注意?
Read: Mt. 16:21-18:35
Memorize: Mt. 16:24-26
Discussion Questions:
- Why did Lord Jesus rebuke Peter in Mt. 16:23? Peter’s intention was good, right?
- During Jesus’ transfiguration Moses and Elijah also appeared to the disciples, did that mean anything special? Was it related to the revelations from the last chapter?
- If your brother sinned or offended you, what should you do? How was Peter’s question and the principles to deal with sins related? What points should we pay attention to on forgiveness and forgiving people?
Friday, September 10, 2010
馬太福音II Matthew II - Lesson 1 - 2010/09/18
- 你覺得為什麼耶穌把迦南婦人比喻成狗呢?(太15:22-28)
- 請問彼得是教會的根基嗎?如果是為什麼是建立在他身上?如果不是那誰才是教會真正的根基呢?(馬太16:18)
- 對你個人來說,耶穌是誰?那些對於耶穌的認識是你親身經歷的?
Memorize: Ephesians 1:17-18
Discussion Questions:
- Why do you think Jesus compared the Canaanite woman to a dog?
- Is Peter the rock upon which the church is built? If so, why is the church built upon him? If not, who is the true rock (foundation) of the church? (Matt. 16:18)
- Who is Jesus to you personally? Out of everything you know about Jesus, what have you personally experienced?
Saturday, August 21, 2010
馬太福音 Matthew Lesson 6 - 2010/08/28
- 主耶穌到底有沒有違犯 (violate) 安息日?(可2:27-28; 太12:3-8; 林後3:6 ),你遵守神的話語時,有沒有不小心陷入和法利賽人相同或類似的危機?
- 在太13:10~17中,耶穌難道真的不希望以色列百姓回轉嗎?主耶穌對眾人只用比喻的用意到底是什麼?
- 為什麼種子撒在地上會有不同果效?馬太福音撒種的比喻中,甚麼是土淺石頭地?好土應該有哪些特性?人知道真理後要怎樣做,才可結實數十倍呢?(太13:3-23)
- Matthew 5:3 - 12
- Matthew 8:17
- Matthew 11:28 – 30
- Did the Lord Jesus violate the Sabbath? (Mark 2:27-28, Matt. 12:3-8, 2 Cor. 3:6) Have you inadvertently fallen into the same kind of danger as the Pharisee when obeying the Word of God?
- In Mark 13:10-17, did Jesus really not want Israelites to turn back to Him? Why did Jesus speak to the crowds only in parables?
- Why do seeds that have been sowed in different soils have different results? In the Parable of the Sower of the Gospel of Matthew, what are the "rocky places"? What are the characteristics that good soil should have? What should a man do after hearing the truth to produce a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown? (Matt. 13:3-23)
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
馬太福音 Matthew Lesson 5 - 2010/08/21
- 在太10:5~6中,耶穌為何吩咐12 使徒只要向以色列人傳福音?在太28:18~20及可16:15中主耶穌不是要門徒傳福音給萬民嗎?
- 傳福音應有什麼態度?傳福音時會遭遇什麼樣的艱難和代價?可以舉幾個你在生活中遇到的例子,你是如何面對?
- 我們會有壓力與重擔的根源是什麼?耶穌是如何面對工作沒有果效?你從耶穌身上學到什麼?
- Why did Jesus instruct his 12 disciples to preach the gospel only to Israelites (Matthew 10:5-6)? Did Jesus not want His disciples to spread the gospel to all nations (Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 16:15)?
- What attitudes should we have when evangelizing? What difficulties may be met, and what price will it cost, when evangelizing? You can take some examples from your own experiences. How did you face these situations?
- What are the root causes of the pressure and burden that we feel? How did Jesus handle the ineffectiveness of His work? What have you learned from Jesus' example?
Saturday, July 31, 2010
馬太福音 Matthew Lesson 4 - 2010/8/14
- 馬太福音第八章裡,這位百夫長有什麼特別之處?他與當時的以色列人和現在你的光景有何不同?
- 請列舉馬太福音第八,九章裡,耶穌所醫治的每麼病人的病症,並歸納說明哪些是他們病得醫治的關鍵?
- 馬太福音9:14-17 到底什麼是舊皮袋?什麼是新皮袋?耶穌這個教訓對我們有何意義?如何應用?
- In Matthew 8, what is so special about the centurion? What is different about him and the Israelites at that time and your current condition?
- Please list the sickness that Jesus healed in Matthew chapter 8 and 9 and explain what is the key to them being healed.
- In Matthew 9:14-17, what is old wineskin? What is new wineskin?What does Jesus’ teaching mean to us personally? How do we apply it?
Saturday, July 24, 2010
馬太福音 Matthew Lesson 3 - 2010/07/31
Download: 中文講義 English Notes
1. 什麼叫積財寶在天上?太6:19-20
2. 太 6:33你們要先求他的國和他的義,這些東西都要加給你們了。你有這方面的見證嗎?
3. 請比較兩種門,兩種果樹,和兩種根基。太第7章
Homework for Next Week (July 31):
Read: Matthew 6-7
1. What is storing up treasures in heaven? (Matthew 6:19-20)
2. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. (Matt. 6:33) Do you have a testimony in this area?
3. Please compare and contrast the two doors, the two trees, and the two foundations. (Matthew 7)
Friday, July 16, 2010
馬太福音 Matthew Lesson 2 - 2010/07/24
- 請預讀馬太福音第5到第7章
中文講義 English Notes
- 思考並寫下關於第5章的問題:
1) 你覺得第5章裡的命令你會想去做嗎?哪些命令對你來說太難了?
2) 我們靠自己有可能做得到這些標準嗎?如果不能,為什麼要要求我們?
3) 神是要我們真的砍了右手或剜出眼睛嗎?如果不是,那耶穌指的是什麼?
- 背8福 (馬太福音5:3~12)
- Please read Matthew 5-7 before our next meeting. (7/24/2010)
- Think about and write down your answers to the following questions about chapter 5:
1) Do you think you would desire to do the command in chapter 5? Which of them do you think are too difficult for you?
2) Can we meet these standards while relying upon ourselves? If not, why are these required of us?
3) Does God really want us to cut off our right hands or gouge out our eyes? If not, what is Jesus referring to?
- Memorize the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-12)
Thursday, July 15, 2010
馬太福音 Matthew Lesson 1 - 2010/07/17
中文講義 | English Notes
2. 請在7/14完成
請讀: 馬太福音1-4章
Q1. 馬太福音和路加福音中有關耶穌的家譜的記載有什麼異同?
Q2. 耶穌受的試探可分為哪幾種?耶穌是如何敵擋試探的?你有嘗試過用什麼方法來敵擋試探?效果如何?
Q 3. 太10:3, 可3:18, 路6:15 等這些列舉12使徒的經文中,提到馬太時有何不同?馬太和約翰福音第4章中的撒馬利亞婦人有何相似之處?
2. Homework due on 7/14
Please read Matthew ch. 1 – 4
Q1. What are the differences between the genealogy recorded in the Gospel of Matthew vs. Luke?
Q2. What are the types of temptations Jesus experienced? How did Jesus resist temptations? What have you tried to resist temptations? What was the outcome?
Q3. Matthew 10:3, Luke 3:18, Luke 6:15 etc the scriptures that listed the 12 disciples, what are the differences when they mentioned the disciple Matthew? What are the similarities when the Gospel of Matthew and John chapter 4 when describing the Samaritan woman?