1. 就聖經而論到底基督徒可不可以離婚? (太19:3~12)
2. 當神給你一個命令是你做不到的時候,你會如何反應? (太19:16~27)
3. 在葡萄園工人的比喻裡,你覺得這個主人給的工價合理嗎? 他的工人有權力提出抗議嗎?你覺得這個比喻是在講什麼? (太20:1~16)
Next Week’s Homework:
Read Matthew 19 – 21:46
Memorize Matthew 20:26-28
Discussion Questions:
1. According to the Bible, can Christians divorce? (Matt19:3~12)
2. What would you do if God's commandment to you is difficult to obey? (Matt 19:16~27)
3. In the parable of the Vineyard keeper, do you think the Master's salary is fair? Do his workers have the right to object? What do you think this parable is referring to? (Matt 20:1-16)