Friday, October 22, 2010

雅各書 James - Lesson 1

Starting Date: 11/6
We will cover the following topics:
- Trial and Temptation 試煉與試探
- Faith and Work 信心與行為

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馬太福音II Matthew II - Lesson 6 - 2010/10/22

讀馬太福音26 - 28
背誦經文:太 28:18-20
1. 耶穌已為你傾倒生命,為你的罪成為贖罪祭,你打算如何過生活?
2. 知道神的大使命後,你打算如何過生活?你是否想到誰?你打算如何訓練他成為門徒?
3. 在大使命中,耶穌吩咐我們要教導人來遵行祂所教導我們的。你是否有所領受的想要教導別人?
4. 耶穌饒恕並愛那些出賣他的人。在你生命中,你是否想饒恕一些曾經出賣你的人(如好友或家人)?但你覺得不可能饒恕,忘記和繼續愛他們?

Read Matthew 26 – 28
Memory verse: Matthew 28:18-20
1. How are you going to live now that Jesus poured out his life, made himself the atoning sacrifice for your sins?
2. What are you going to do now that you know about the Great Commission? Do you have anyone in mind? What is your plan to disciple them?
3. In the Great Commission, Jesus commanded us teach others to follow all that he’s taught us? Are there things you are following that you want to share with others?
4. Jesus loved and forgave those who betrayed him. Are there people in your life – close friends or family members – that betrayed you and you want to forgive, but feel it is impossible to forgive, forget, and continue to love them?

Thursday, October 14, 2010

馬太福音II Matthew II - Lesson 5 - 2010/10/16

讀經:馬太福音 24 - 25 章
背:馬太福音 24:42; 24:44-45
  1. 1. 你認為現今是否已經是末世(end times)了?有沒有經文的根據?另外馬太24:8中提到的末期(the end)和末世(end times)是否一樣?如果不是,那末期是指甚麼時候?
  2. 在太25:1~13聰明童女和愚拙童女的比喻中,你覺得拿著燈是甚麼意思?預備油又是甚麼意思?主對那愚拙童女的懲罰會不會太重了?
  3. 主耶穌在馬太25:31~46的講論中,你認為綿羊是指誰說的?山羊是指誰呢?
Read Bible: Matthew 24:1-25:46
Memorize: Matthew 24:42, 24:44-45
Discussion Questions:
  1. Do you think we are already in the End Times today? Is there any biblical evidence to back it up? Also Matthew 24:8 spoke about “the end” and “end times”, what are the differences between these two terms?
  2. In Matthew 25:1-13, what do you think is the meaning of holding the light in the parable of the wise and foolish virgins? What does preparing enough oil mean? Is God’s punishment of the foolish virgins too hard?
  3. In Matthew 15:31-46, Jesus's parable, whom do you think the term "sheep" is referring to? And whom do you think the term "goat" is referring to?

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

馬太福音II Matthew II - Lesson 4 - 2010/10/9



太 22:37 耶穌對他說:你要盡心、盡性、盡意愛主─你的神。

太 22:38 這是誡命中的第一,且是最大的。



  1. 第一和最大的誡命是?
  2. 你是否把屬神的歸於神,把屬該撒的歸該撒?
  3. 你是否活出你所講的還是只在說?你是否有一些目標想達成,卻只放在心上沒有去做?你要如何使這些變得實際,成為你生活的一部份?

Read Matthew ch. 22-23

Memory Verse: Matthew 22:37-38

37 Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.

38 This is the first and greatest commandment.

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Discussion Question:

  1. What is the first and greatest commandment?
  2. Are you giving to God what belongs to God? Are you giving to Caesar what belongs to Caesar?
  3. Are you walking the talk or just talking the talk? Are there areas or goals that you have where you long to be able to walk out what you long for in your heart or you know you should be doing? Any ideas on making it practical and a part of your life?