Tuesday, November 22, 2011

路加福音 Luke - Lesson 7 (12/03)

閱讀: 路加福音 19282453 ()
        1)彼得幾次不認主? (22:54-62)
        2)請問這杯代表什麼意思? ( 22:42)

啟示錄 Revelation Lesson 7 (12/03)

讀經: 啓示錄19-22章 (完結篇)
1.    為甚麼神在千年國度之後,還要將撒但從無底坑裡暫時釋放出來,讓他又去迷惑列國?
2.    那些人有份於第一次的復活?可參考啟20:4~6節和帖前4:13~17節。
3.    根據啟示錄21:9~22:5節,描述一下聖城新耶路撒冷的光景。
4.    為甚麼天使告訴約翰:「不義的,叫他仍舊不義;污穢的,叫他仍舊污穢;為義的,叫他仍舊為義;聖潔的,叫他仍舊聖潔」?

Reading: Revelation Chapters 19-22 (The End)

Discussion Questions:
1. After the thousand-year reign of Christ, why does God set Satan free from the bottomless pit for a short time, so that he can deceive the nations again?
2. Who can take part in the first resurrection? See Rev. 20:4-6 and 1 Thess. 4:13-17
3. Describe the New Jerusalem, the holy city, as presented in Rev. 21:9-22:5.
4. Why does the angel say to John: “he who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is righteous, let him be righteous still; he who is holy, let him be holy still.”

Monday, November 14, 2011

路加福音 Luke - Lesson 6 (11/19)

閱讀: 路加福音 17:1-19:27

Friday, November 11, 2011

啟示錄 Revelation Lesson 6 (11/19)

讀經: 啓示錄16-18
1.    比較一下第1~6碗和第1~6號,它們有沒有相似的地方?有沒有不同的地方?
2.    第七碗倒在甚麼地方?它的結果是甚麼?
3.    描述一下那位坐在眾水上的大淫婦,她有甚麼樣的特徵?她有那些罪行?
4.    神如何審判巴比倫大城,也就是大淫婦?

Reading: Revelation Chapters 16 – 18

Discussion Questions:
1. Compare the first six trumpets with the first six bowls. Are there similarities? Differences?
2. On what or where is the seventh bowl poured out? What are the results?
3. Describe the great harlot that sits upon the waters. What characteristics does she have? What sins does she have?
4. How does God judge the great city of Babylon, which is the great harlot?

Friday, November 4, 2011

路加福音 Luke - Lesson 5 (11/12)

閱讀: 路加福音 13:22-16:31

啓示錄 Revelation Lesson 5 (11/12)

讀經: 啓示錄12-15章
1. 撒但在神面前一直如何攻擊我們?我們如何勝過他?
2. 根據啟示錄12, 13章比較一下,撒但(龍)、敵基督(從海中上來的獸)、假先知(從地中上來的獸),他們的特徵、作為、和彼此的關係。
4. 在末世會有那兩種大收割 (harvest)?

Reading: Revelation Chapters 12 - 15
Discussion Questions:
1. By what method is Satan continually attacking us before God? How do we overcome him?
2.  Describe the characteristics and actions of, and the functional relationship between, Satan (the dragon), the Antichrist (the beast coming out of the sea), and the False Prophet (the beast coming out of the earth).
3. During the Great Tribulation, the Antichrist will control all economic activity around the globe, so that anyone who does not have the name or the number of the name of the beast cannot buy or sell. Is this kind of economic control possible with current technology? How do we overcome and refuse the mark of the beast?
4. What two kinds of great harvest will there be in the end times?

Monday, October 24, 2011

路加福音 Luke - Lesson 4 (10/29)

閱讀: 路加福音 9:51-13:21

1)耶穌說:“任憑死人埋葬他們的死人,你只管去傳揚神國的道。”你覺得這樣合理嗎? 為什麼耶穌會這樣說呢?(路加福音9:59-60
2)請問什麼是馬利亞選擇的上好福份是什麼?(路加福音 10:38-42)

啓示錄 Revelation Lesson 4 (10/29)

閱讀:啓示錄 8-11章

1. 耶穌揭開第七印的結果是甚麼?在前四號的審判中,有那些受造之物受到影響?影響的程度如何?
3. 當使徒約翰吃了小書卷之後,為什麼在他口中甜如蜜,但肚子卻發苦?
4. 第七位天使吹號帶來那些結果?

Reading: Revelation Chapters 8-11
Discussion Questions:
1. What is the result of Jesus opening the seventh seal? In the first four trumpet judgments, what parts of creation are affected? To what degree are they affected?
2.  In the fifth trumpet judgment, pain comes upon which people? Does anyone die? How many people die in the sixth trumpet judgment? What is the reaction of the people who are left?
3.  When the apostle John ate the little scroll, why was it sweet as honey in his mouth, but turned bitter in his stomach?
4.  What are the results of the angel blowing the seventh trumpet?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

啓示錄 Revelation Lesson 3 (10/22)

末世導論 (三) 
讀經: 啓示錄4-7章 
1. 試著描述一下使徒約翰所看見天上throne
2. 根據啟示錄4,5章,萬物為甚麼存在?耶穌用祂自己的血買贖我們的目地是甚麼?思考一下我們人生的意義是甚麼?人生的目標是甚麼?(參考林前8:6,
3. 揭開七印,開始末世大災難的是誰?第一印到第六印說到那些末世的事件?試著和馬太24:7~9比較一下。
4. 啟示錄7章說到以色列各支派中受印的人數時,有沒有漏掉那一個支派?我們這些外邦人基督徒身上有沒有神的印記?

Revelation Lesson 3 
Reading: Revelation Chapter 4-7
Discussion Questions: 
1. Try to describe the “throne room scene” that
John saw. Before God revealed the events of the future to John –
especially those of judgment and tribulation – He first showed him the
Throne of God. What revelation does this give us?
2.  According to Revelation 4 and 5, why does creation exist? What was
Jesus’ purpose in redeeming us with His own blood? Reflect on what is
the meaning and purpose of our lives. What is the end goal of life?
(reference 1 Cor. 8:6, Eph. 1:10, Col. 1:16)
3.  Who breaks the seven seals and initiates the end-time Great
Tribulation? What events happen at the first six seals? Compare these
with Matt. 24:7-9.
4.  When the number of the people who are sealed among the tribes of
Israel is described in Revelation 7, is there any tribe that is missing?
Is there the seal of God on us, the Gentile believers?

路加福音 Luke - Lesson 3 (10/22)

讀經:路加福音 5-9 章

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

啓示錄 Revelation Lesson 2 (10/08)

末世導論 (二)
Reading: 啓示錄 1~3章 (Revelation Chapter 1-3)

  1. 使徒約翰在拔摩海島看見在七個金燈台中間的人子有那些特徵?這些特徵有甚麼樣的屬靈意義?
  2. 希伯來書2:14說到魔鬼是那掌死權的,但現在誰拿著死亡和陰間的鑰匙?基督徒應當如何看待死亡?
  3. 在亞細亞的七個教會中,那些教會主耶穌有稱讚也有責備?那些教會主耶穌只有稱讚沒有責備?那些教會主耶穌只有責備沒有稱讚?主耶穌對七個教會都有講的一句話是甚麼?
  4. 主耶穌對七個教會的得勝者各別有甚麼樣的賞賜?有沒有甚麼賞賜是你渴望得著的? 你該如何預備自己好得著賞賜?
Discussion Questions:
  1. What are the characteristics of the "son of man" standing among the seven golden lampstands, whom the apostle John saw on the Island of Patmos? What spiritual meanings do these characteristics have?
  2. Hebrews 2:14 describes the devil as "the one who has the power of death." However, who now holds the keys to death and Hades? How should believers view death?
  3. Among the seven churches of Asia, which churches were both commended and rebuked by the Lord Jesus? Which churches only received praise and not rebuke? Which churches only received rebuke and not praise? What is the sentence that the Lord Jesus says to all seven churches?
  4. What rewards did the Lord Jesus give to the overcomers of each of the seven churches? Do you especially desire some of the rewards? How should you prepare yourself to receive these rewards?

路加福音 Luke - Lesson 2

上課日期: 2011/10/8
讀:路加福音 3-4章

Friday, September 23, 2011

啓示錄 Revelation Lesson 1 (9/24)

Reading: 但以理書 Daniel Chapter 9 + 馬太福音 Matthew Chapter 24  
末世導論 (一)
1. 在但9:24~27節中神啟示但以理有關70個7的預言,這70個7是連續的或中間有間隔?出令重新建造耶路撒冷是指甚麼時候?受膏君被剪除是指甚麼時候?有一王的民來毀滅耶路撒冷城和聖所是指甚麼時候?
2. 最後一個7年大災難來臨之前會有那些的徵兆?這些徵兆現在是否正在發生中?
3. 最後一7可以分成前三年半和後三年半,前三年半會有那些重要的事件?後三年半又有那些重大事件會發生?
4. 在福音書中主耶穌稱災難作「生產之難」,跟其它的苦難比起來,產難有甚麼特殊的地方?我們應當如何看末世要來的大災難?

Topic for Revelation:
(1)  9/24 the frame work of ETs + Motivation
Daniel’s 70 x 7 。Daniel Chapter 9 + Matthew ch 24  

(2) 10/8 Structure of revelation (Mike Bickle’s) + Ch 1-3

(3)  10/22 Ch 4-7 : 7 seals

(4) 10/29 Ch8-11 : 7 trumpets

(5) 11/12 Ch12-15 : Anti-Christ

(6)11/19 Ch16-18 : 7 bowls

(7) 12/3 Ch19-22  : New Jerusalem 新耶路撒冷

(8) 12/10 End Times Drama/Musical/Movie

Friday, July 15, 2011

使徒行傳 Acts Lesson 7 - (7/23)

閱讀:使徒行傳 25-28章
下載:第七課預查問題, 講義

Reading: Acts Chapter 25-28
Download: Lesson 7 questions
Memorize: Acts 27:25

Friday, July 8, 2011

使徒行傳 Acts Lesson 6 - (7/16)

閱讀:使徒行傳 21-24章

Reading: Acts Chapter 21-24
Download: Lesson 6 questions, Notes
Memorize: Acts 22:14-15

Friday, June 24, 2011

使徒行傳 Acts Lesson 5 (7/9)

7/2 長週末,週六讀經樂暫停一次
閱讀:使徒行傳 17-20章

Reading: Acts Chapter 17-20
Memorize: Acts 20:35

Saturday, June 18, 2011

使徒行傳 Acts Lesson 4 - (6/25)

閱讀:使徒行傳 13-16章

Reading: Acts Chapter 13-16
Memorize: Acts 13:47

Sunday, June 12, 2011

使徒行傳 Acts Lesson 3 - (6/18)

閱讀:使徒行傳 9-12章

Reading: Acts Chapter 9-12
Memorize: Acts 1:8

Saturday, June 4, 2011

使徒行傳 Acts Lesson 2 - (6/11)

閱讀:使徒行傳 5-8章

Reading: Acts Chapter 5-8
Memorize: Acts 4:29-31

Friday, June 3, 2011

使徒行傳 Acts Lesson 1 - (6/4)

閱讀:使徒行傳 1-4章

Reading: Acts Chapter 1-4
Memorize: Acts 2:38-39

Saturday, April 30, 2011

羅馬書 Romans Lesson 8 (5/7)

背經 : 羅馬書 12:1-2

Reading: Romans Chapter 12-16
Memorize: Romans 12:1-2

Saturday, April 16, 2011

羅馬書 Romans Lesson 7 (4/30)

背經 : 羅馬書 10:9-10

Reading: Romans Chapter 9-11
Memorize: Romans 10:9-10

Saturday, April 9, 2011

羅馬書 Romans Lesson 6

背經 : 羅馬書 8:1-6

Reading: Romans Chapter 8
Memorize: Romans 8:1-6

Saturday, April 2, 2011

羅馬書 Romans Lesson 5 (4/09)

背經 : 羅馬書 7:5-6

Reading: Romans Chapter 7
Memorize: Romans 7:5-6

Friday, March 25, 2011

羅馬書 Romans Lesson 4 (4/02)

背經 : 羅馬書 6:3-4

Reading: Romans Chapter 6
Memorize: Romans 6:3-4
Download: Romans Lesson 4 questions

Saturday, March 19, 2011

羅馬書 Romans Lesson 3 (3/25)

背經 : 羅馬書 5:3-5, 5:8

Reading: Romans Chapter 4 and 5
Memorize: Romans 5:3-5, 5:8

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Saturday, March 12, 2011

羅馬書 Romans Lesson 2 (3/19)

讀經:羅馬書1:18 - 3:31
背經 : 羅馬書 3:23-24

Reading: Romans 1:18 - 3:31
Memorize: Romans 3:23-24

Thursday, February 3, 2011

士師記 Judges Lesson 5 (3/05)

士師記 第五課 下載
總結 (每組可選一題,發揮你們的創意,在第五課時用5分鐘向大家呈現。)
1. 請試著將士師記分段。

2. 從士師記的惡性循環中,我們可以認識到神的哪些屬性?

3. 士師記中一共題到幾位士師 ?他們個別是屬於那一支派的?他們做士師前的出身及社會地位如何?

4. 有那幾位士師曾有神的靈降在他身上,或是曾被神的靈大大感動過?你認為他們原本是不是勇敢的人?

5. 士師記惡性循環的根本原因是甚麼?你認為神該如何解決這個難處?

Judges Lesson Five - Download
Summary (Each group please select one of the following topics, and use your creativity to do a 5-minute presentation during Lesson 5 .)
1. Please try to divide the Book of Judges into segments.

2. Which attributes of God can we learn from the vicious cycle in the Book of Judges?

3. How many judges are recorded in the Book of Judges? Which tribe did they each belong? What were their background and social status before they became judges?

4. Which judges had the Spirit of God descend upon them or had been immensely touched by God’s spirit? Were they brave people from the beginning?

5. What was the root cause for the vicious cycle recorded in the Book of Judges? How do you think God should solve this predicament?

士師記 Judges Lesson 4 (2/26)

士師記 第四課 下載問題

1. 米迦私自設立的祭司,後來成為但支派祭司的是誰?根據律法,他能作祭司嗎?

2. 利未人與妾的故事大約是發生在甚麼時候?比較一下基比亞匪徒所做的跟創世記19章中所多瑪人所行的。

3. 在以色列人討伐基比亞人的戰事中,你認為神為什麼在第三天才將便雅憫人交在以色列人手中?在前兩天神不是也同意以色列人去攻打便雅憫人嗎?

4. 士17:6, 18:1, 19:1, 21:25都說到那時以色列中沒有王,以色列中真的沒有王嗎?

1. 誰是你每天的生活中的王?這跟你是否活得喜樂、充實有什麼關係?

Bible Reading: Judges Chapters 17-21 (Download Questions)
1. Who did Micah place as priest out of selfish motives, who later became the priest of Dan? According to the Law, was he qualified to be a priest?
2. When did the story of Levites and their concubines take place? Please compare what the men of Gibeah did verses what the men of Sodom do in Genesis chapter 19?

3. In the battle between the Israelites and the people of Gibeah, why did God deliver the people of Benjamin into the Israelites’ hand on the third day? Didn’t God agree with the Israelites to defeat the people of Benjamin on the first two days?

4. Judges 17:6, 18:1, 19:1, 21:25 all mentioned there was no king in Israel? Was it true that Israel did not have a king?

1. Who is king in your daily life? How does it affect your level of joy and sense of fulfillment?

士師記 Judges Lesson 3 (2/12)

士師記 第三課 下載問題
1. 基甸和耶弗他對以法蓮人的埋怨有何不同的反應?為什麼以法蓮人會有這樣的抱怨?

2. 摩西律法中對拿細耳人的要求是甚麼?

3. 參孫喜悅亭拿的非利士女子是出於神,但他後來親近迦薩的妓女和梭烈谷的大利拉是否出於神,還是出于參孫的情慾呢?

4. 參孫的力量最後是恢復了,但他的視力呢?他的故事可以給我們甚麼樣的教訓?

1. 屬靈的恩賜能與生命的品格和成熟劃等號?神所看重的哪一個?
2. 什麼驅使一個人容易陷入情慾和試探?我們可以如何保守自己免於試探?

Bible Reading: Judges Chapters 10-16 (Download Questions)
1. What was the difference between Gideon’s response and Jephthah’s response to the complaints from the people of Ephraim? Why did the people of Ephraim complain?

2. According to the Law of Moses, what were the requirements for the Nazirites?

3. If it was God’s plan that Samson loved the Philistine woman, Timnah, who later became his wife, but why did he later had relationship with the prostitute of Gaza, and Delilah from the Valley of Sorek? What that God’s will or Samson’s own lust?

4. At the end, Samson’s strength returned back to him, but what about his vision? What can we learn from his story?

1. Does having spiritual gifts equal to good characters and maturity? Which one does God care the most?
2. What triggers a person to fall into lust and temptation? How can we keep ourselves from falling into temptations?

Saturday, January 29, 2011

士師記 Judges Lesson 2 (2/5)

  1. 神的使者稱基甸為大能的勇士,基甸到底有沒有害怕過?比較基甸和彼得,當耶穌稱彼得為磯法後,他的表現就像石頭嗎?
  2. 基甸在整個過程中,一共得到了幾個從神來的確據?
  3. 為什麼神將跟隨基甸的人從32,000 人減到300人?神篩選的原則是甚麼?
  4. 基甸做了何事以至於最後成為他全家的網羅?亞比米勒是神所設立的士師嗎?

  1. 你看自己的眼光是充滿信心還是自卑?這如何影響你的生活和屬靈的成長?
  2. 當你為一件事仰望神時,是否從神領受過確據,而經歷過祂信實的帶領?

Lesson 2:Read Judges Chapters 6-9 (download questions)

1. The angel of the Lord called Gideon a mighty warrior; was Gideon ever afraid? Comparing Gideon with Peter, when Jesus called Peter Cephas, “the rock”, did he start acting like the rock?

2. How many confirmations did Gideon receive from God during this entire process?

3. Why did God reduce the number of people following Gideon from 32,000 to 300? What was God’s principle when selecting people?

4. What did Gideon do that ultimately made him a snare for his whole family? Was Abimelech God’s appointed judge?

1. Is your view about yourself full of confidence or low self-esteem? How does it affect your life and spiritual growth?
2. When seeking God for a direction, have you ever received confirmation from God, and experienced God’s faithful guidance?

Sunday, January 23, 2011

士師記 Judges Lesson 1

士師記 第一課
1. 神原本的旨意是要以色列人將迦南七族所有的人完全趕出,為什麼?可是神為什麼後來要留下幾族的迦南人,不再將他們趕出?

2. 以色列人在甚麼時候都還事奉耶和華?

3. 在士師記中有甚麼樣的惡性循環?

4. 你認為巴拉為什麼一定要底波拉和他同去,他才要去攻打西西拉的軍隊?為什麼巴拉後來沒能得到榮耀?

1. 你是否經歷過士師記中的惡性循環?是什麼使你得勝?若你仍在掙扎中,你可以如何得勝?(請參考林前10:13,羅7:25,林後10:3-5)
2. 當面臨挑戰時,你是否也像巴拉一樣,因為怕失敗或對神沒信心,以致於沒有完全順服神?結果是什麼?

Judges Lesson One
Bible Reading: Judges Chapters 1 to 5
Memory Verse: Judges5:31
1. Why it was God’s original plan for the Israelites to cast out the seven tribes of Canaanites? However, why did God later preserved a few tribes of Canaanites, and not cast them out?

2. Up until when did the Israelites still serve Jehovah?

3. What kind of vicious cycle was happening in the Book of Judges?

4. Why did Barak insist that Deborah go with him in the battle against Sisera? At the end, why did Barak not receive the honor?

1. Have you ever experienced the vicious cycle mentioned in Judges? Did you overcome? If you are still struggling, how can you overcome? (Please refer to these scripture references: 2 Corinthians 10:13, Romans7:25, 2 Corinthians 10:3-5)
2. When facing challenges, do you fear failure or lack faith in God like Barak, and therefore did not completely obey God? What was the consequence?

Monday, January 10, 2011

讀經法簡介 Introduction to Bible Reading 1

讀經法簡介 1 - 講義 (請在下週1/15上課前完成閱讀講義段落1~3.3)

Introduction to Bible reading - Notes
Please study section 1~3.3 before 1/15's class.