1. 基甸和耶弗他對以法蓮人的埋怨有何不同的反應?為什麼以法蓮人會有這樣的抱怨?
2. 摩西律法中對拿細耳人的要求是甚麼?
3. 參孫喜悅亭拿的非利士女子是出於神,但他後來親近迦薩的妓女和梭烈谷的大利拉是否出於神,還是出于參孫的情慾呢?
4. 參孫的力量最後是恢復了,但他的視力呢?他的故事可以給我們甚麼樣的教訓?
1. 屬靈的恩賜能與生命的品格和成熟劃等號?神所看重的哪一個?
2. 什麼驅使一個人容易陷入情慾和試探?我們可以如何保守自己免於試探?
1. What was the difference between Gideon’s response and Jephthah’s response to the complaints from the people of Ephraim? Why did the people of Ephraim complain?
2. According to the Law of Moses, what were the requirements for the Nazirites?
3. If it was God’s plan that Samson loved the Philistine woman, Timnah, who later became his wife, but why did he later had relationship with the prostitute of Gaza, and Delilah from the Valley of Sorek? What that God’s will or Samson’s own lust?
4. At the end, Samson’s strength returned back to him, but what about his vision? What can we learn from his story?
1. Does having spiritual gifts equal to good characters and maturity? Which one does God care the most?
2. What triggers a person to fall into lust and temptation? How can we keep ourselves from falling into temptations?