士師記 第五課 下載
總結 (每組可選一題,發揮你們的創意,在第五課時用5分鐘向大家呈現。)
1. 請試著將士師記分段。
2. 從士師記的惡性循環中,我們可以認識到神的哪些屬性?
3. 士師記中一共題到幾位士師 ?他們個別是屬於那一支派的?他們做士師前的出身及社會地位如何?
4. 有那幾位士師曾有神的靈降在他身上,或是曾被神的靈大大感動過?你認為他們原本是不是勇敢的人?
5. 士師記惡性循環的根本原因是甚麼?你認為神該如何解決這個難處?
Judges Lesson Five - Download
Summary (Each group please select one of the following topics, and use your creativity to do a 5-minute presentation during Lesson 5 .)
1. Please try to divide the Book of Judges into segments.
2. Which attributes of God can we learn from the vicious cycle in the Book of Judges?
3. How many judges are recorded in the Book of Judges? Which tribe did they each belong? What were their background and social status before they became judges?
4. Which judges had the Spirit of God descend upon them or had been immensely touched by God’s spirit? Were they brave people from the beginning?
5. What was the root cause for the vicious cycle recorded in the Book of Judges? How do you think God should solve this predicament?