Tuesday, September 27, 2011

啓示錄 Revelation Lesson 2 (10/08)

末世導論 (二)
Reading: 啓示錄 1~3章 (Revelation Chapter 1-3)

  1. 使徒約翰在拔摩海島看見在七個金燈台中間的人子有那些特徵?這些特徵有甚麼樣的屬靈意義?
  2. 希伯來書2:14說到魔鬼是那掌死權的,但現在誰拿著死亡和陰間的鑰匙?基督徒應當如何看待死亡?
  3. 在亞細亞的七個教會中,那些教會主耶穌有稱讚也有責備?那些教會主耶穌只有稱讚沒有責備?那些教會主耶穌只有責備沒有稱讚?主耶穌對七個教會都有講的一句話是甚麼?
  4. 主耶穌對七個教會的得勝者各別有甚麼樣的賞賜?有沒有甚麼賞賜是你渴望得著的? 你該如何預備自己好得著賞賜?
Discussion Questions:
  1. What are the characteristics of the "son of man" standing among the seven golden lampstands, whom the apostle John saw on the Island of Patmos? What spiritual meanings do these characteristics have?
  2. Hebrews 2:14 describes the devil as "the one who has the power of death." However, who now holds the keys to death and Hades? How should believers view death?
  3. Among the seven churches of Asia, which churches were both commended and rebuked by the Lord Jesus? Which churches only received praise and not rebuke? Which churches only received rebuke and not praise? What is the sentence that the Lord Jesus says to all seven churches?
  4. What rewards did the Lord Jesus give to the overcomers of each of the seven churches? Do you especially desire some of the rewards? How should you prepare yourself to receive these rewards?

路加福音 Luke - Lesson 2

上課日期: 2011/10/8
讀:路加福音 3-4章

Friday, September 23, 2011

啓示錄 Revelation Lesson 1 (9/24)

Reading: 但以理書 Daniel Chapter 9 + 馬太福音 Matthew Chapter 24  
末世導論 (一)
1. 在但9:24~27節中神啟示但以理有關70個7的預言,這70個7是連續的或中間有間隔?出令重新建造耶路撒冷是指甚麼時候?受膏君被剪除是指甚麼時候?有一王的民來毀滅耶路撒冷城和聖所是指甚麼時候?
2. 最後一個7年大災難來臨之前會有那些的徵兆?這些徵兆現在是否正在發生中?
3. 最後一7可以分成前三年半和後三年半,前三年半會有那些重要的事件?後三年半又有那些重大事件會發生?
4. 在福音書中主耶穌稱災難作「生產之難」,跟其它的苦難比起來,產難有甚麼特殊的地方?我們應當如何看末世要來的大災難?

Topic for Revelation:
(1)  9/24 the frame work of ETs + Motivation
Daniel’s 70 x 7 。Daniel Chapter 9 + Matthew ch 24  

(2) 10/8 Structure of revelation (Mike Bickle’s) + Ch 1-3

(3)  10/22 Ch 4-7 : 7 seals

(4) 10/29 Ch8-11 : 7 trumpets

(5) 11/12 Ch12-15 : Anti-Christ

(6)11/19 Ch16-18 : 7 bowls

(7) 12/3 Ch19-22  : New Jerusalem 新耶路撒冷

(8) 12/10 End Times Drama/Musical/Movie