Monday, October 24, 2011

路加福音 Luke - Lesson 4 (10/29)

閱讀: 路加福音 9:51-13:21

1)耶穌說:“任憑死人埋葬他們的死人,你只管去傳揚神國的道。”你覺得這樣合理嗎? 為什麼耶穌會這樣說呢?(路加福音9:59-60
2)請問什麼是馬利亞選擇的上好福份是什麼?(路加福音 10:38-42)

啓示錄 Revelation Lesson 4 (10/29)

閱讀:啓示錄 8-11章

1. 耶穌揭開第七印的結果是甚麼?在前四號的審判中,有那些受造之物受到影響?影響的程度如何?
3. 當使徒約翰吃了小書卷之後,為什麼在他口中甜如蜜,但肚子卻發苦?
4. 第七位天使吹號帶來那些結果?

Reading: Revelation Chapters 8-11
Discussion Questions:
1. What is the result of Jesus opening the seventh seal? In the first four trumpet judgments, what parts of creation are affected? To what degree are they affected?
2.  In the fifth trumpet judgment, pain comes upon which people? Does anyone die? How many people die in the sixth trumpet judgment? What is the reaction of the people who are left?
3.  When the apostle John ate the little scroll, why was it sweet as honey in his mouth, but turned bitter in his stomach?
4.  What are the results of the angel blowing the seventh trumpet?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

啓示錄 Revelation Lesson 3 (10/22)

末世導論 (三) 
讀經: 啓示錄4-7章 
1. 試著描述一下使徒約翰所看見天上throne
2. 根據啟示錄4,5章,萬物為甚麼存在?耶穌用祂自己的血買贖我們的目地是甚麼?思考一下我們人生的意義是甚麼?人生的目標是甚麼?(參考林前8:6,
3. 揭開七印,開始末世大災難的是誰?第一印到第六印說到那些末世的事件?試著和馬太24:7~9比較一下。
4. 啟示錄7章說到以色列各支派中受印的人數時,有沒有漏掉那一個支派?我們這些外邦人基督徒身上有沒有神的印記?

Revelation Lesson 3 
Reading: Revelation Chapter 4-7
Discussion Questions: 
1. Try to describe the “throne room scene” that
John saw. Before God revealed the events of the future to John –
especially those of judgment and tribulation – He first showed him the
Throne of God. What revelation does this give us?
2.  According to Revelation 4 and 5, why does creation exist? What was
Jesus’ purpose in redeeming us with His own blood? Reflect on what is
the meaning and purpose of our lives. What is the end goal of life?
(reference 1 Cor. 8:6, Eph. 1:10, Col. 1:16)
3.  Who breaks the seven seals and initiates the end-time Great
Tribulation? What events happen at the first six seals? Compare these
with Matt. 24:7-9.
4.  When the number of the people who are sealed among the tribes of
Israel is described in Revelation 7, is there any tribe that is missing?
Is there the seal of God on us, the Gentile believers?

路加福音 Luke - Lesson 3 (10/22)

讀經:路加福音 5-9 章