閱讀:啓示錄 8-11章
1. 耶穌揭開第七印的結果是甚麼?在前四號的審判中,有那些受造之物受到影響?影響的程度如何?
3. 當使徒約翰吃了小書卷之後,為什麼在他口中甜如蜜,但肚子卻發苦?
4. 第七位天使吹號帶來那些結果?
Reading: Revelation Chapters 8-11
Discussion Questions:
1. What is the result of Jesus opening the seventh seal? In the first four trumpet judgments, what parts of creation are affected? To what degree are they affected?
2. In the fifth trumpet judgment, pain comes upon which people? Does anyone die? How many people die in the sixth trumpet judgment? What is the reaction of the people who are left?
3. When the apostle John ate the little scroll, why was it sweet as honey in his mouth, but turned bitter in his stomach?
4. What are the results of the angel blowing the seventh trumpet?