讀經: 啓示錄12-15章
根據啟示錄12, 13章比較一下,撒但(龍)、敵基督(從海中上來的獸)、假先知(從地中上來的獸),他們的特徵、作為、和彼此的關係。
在末世會有那兩種大收割 (harvest)?
Reading: Revelation Chapters 12 - 15
Discussion Questions:
1. By what method is Satan continually attacking us before God? How do we overcome him?
2. Describe the characteristics and actions of, and the functional relationship between, Satan (the dragon), the Antichrist (the beast coming out of the sea), and the False Prophet (the beast coming out of the earth).
3. During the Great Tribulation, the Antichrist will control all economic activity around the globe, so that anyone who does not have the name or the number of the name of the beast cannot buy or sell. Is this kind of economic control possible with current technology? How do we overcome and refuse the mark of the beast?
4. What two kinds of great harvest will there be in the end times?