Tuesday, November 22, 2011

路加福音 Luke - Lesson 7 (12/03)

閱讀: 路加福音 19282453 ()
        1)彼得幾次不認主? (22:54-62)
        2)請問這杯代表什麼意思? ( 22:42)

啟示錄 Revelation Lesson 7 (12/03)

讀經: 啓示錄19-22章 (完結篇)
1.    為甚麼神在千年國度之後,還要將撒但從無底坑裡暫時釋放出來,讓他又去迷惑列國?
2.    那些人有份於第一次的復活?可參考啟20:4~6節和帖前4:13~17節。
3.    根據啟示錄21:9~22:5節,描述一下聖城新耶路撒冷的光景。
4.    為甚麼天使告訴約翰:「不義的,叫他仍舊不義;污穢的,叫他仍舊污穢;為義的,叫他仍舊為義;聖潔的,叫他仍舊聖潔」?

Reading: Revelation Chapters 19-22 (The End)

Discussion Questions:
1. After the thousand-year reign of Christ, why does God set Satan free from the bottomless pit for a short time, so that he can deceive the nations again?
2. Who can take part in the first resurrection? See Rev. 20:4-6 and 1 Thess. 4:13-17
3. Describe the New Jerusalem, the holy city, as presented in Rev. 21:9-22:5.
4. Why does the angel say to John: “he who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is righteous, let him be righteous still; he who is holy, let him be holy still.”

Monday, November 14, 2011

路加福音 Luke - Lesson 6 (11/19)

閱讀: 路加福音 17:1-19:27

Friday, November 11, 2011

啟示錄 Revelation Lesson 6 (11/19)

讀經: 啓示錄16-18
1.    比較一下第1~6碗和第1~6號,它們有沒有相似的地方?有沒有不同的地方?
2.    第七碗倒在甚麼地方?它的結果是甚麼?
3.    描述一下那位坐在眾水上的大淫婦,她有甚麼樣的特徵?她有那些罪行?
4.    神如何審判巴比倫大城,也就是大淫婦?

Reading: Revelation Chapters 16 – 18

Discussion Questions:
1. Compare the first six trumpets with the first six bowls. Are there similarities? Differences?
2. On what or where is the seventh bowl poured out? What are the results?
3. Describe the great harlot that sits upon the waters. What characteristics does she have? What sins does she have?
4. How does God judge the great city of Babylon, which is the great harlot?

Friday, November 4, 2011

路加福音 Luke - Lesson 5 (11/12)

閱讀: 路加福音 13:22-16:31

啓示錄 Revelation Lesson 5 (11/12)

讀經: 啓示錄12-15章
1. 撒但在神面前一直如何攻擊我們?我們如何勝過他?
2. 根據啟示錄12, 13章比較一下,撒但(龍)、敵基督(從海中上來的獸)、假先知(從地中上來的獸),他們的特徵、作為、和彼此的關係。
4. 在末世會有那兩種大收割 (harvest)?

Reading: Revelation Chapters 12 - 15
Discussion Questions:
1. By what method is Satan continually attacking us before God? How do we overcome him?
2.  Describe the characteristics and actions of, and the functional relationship between, Satan (the dragon), the Antichrist (the beast coming out of the sea), and the False Prophet (the beast coming out of the earth).
3. During the Great Tribulation, the Antichrist will control all economic activity around the globe, so that anyone who does not have the name or the number of the name of the beast cannot buy or sell. Is this kind of economic control possible with current technology? How do we overcome and refuse the mark of the beast?
4. What two kinds of great harvest will there be in the end times?