1. 當亞伯拉罕寄居在基拉耳時,他又犯了從前在埃及時所犯的錯誤。亞伯拉罕為什麼要稱撒拉是他的妹子?他這樣做算不算說謊?在這亞伯拉罕犯的兩次錯誤中,神如何伸手搭救撒拉?從這個例子中,我們可以認識神的哪些屬性?
2. 以實瑪利和以撒兩個人中間,誰能夠繼承亞伯拉罕的產業?誰的後代才能稱為亞伯拉罕的後裔?為什麼使女的兒子不能和以撒一同承受產業?
3. 神為什麼要亞伯拉罕將以撒獻上做燔祭?最後被獻在祭壇上的是誰?亞伯拉罕稱他獻以撒的地方為甚麼?它的意義為何?
4. 從亞伯拉罕獻以撒的故事中,我們可以學到甚麼?想一想,我們自己的以撒是甚麼?
5. 亞伯拉罕順服神,願意將以撒獻上之後,神就指著祂自己起誓,對亞伯拉罕說了哪些應許?跟以前神對亞伯拉罕說過的應許比起來,創世記22章的應許有沒有不一樣的地方?
Bible Reading: Genesis Chapters 20 to 22
1. When Abraham was living in Gerar, he committed the same sin he did in Egypt. Why did Abraham call Sarah his sister? Does this count as lying? In both instances, how did God rescue Sarah? What can we learn about the nature of God from this example?
2. Between Ishmael and Isaac, who could receive Abraham's inheritance? Whose descendants are considered “offspring of Abraham”? Why was it that the son of the slave woman could not receive the inheritance together with Isaac?
3. Why did God ask Abraham to offer up Isaac as a burnt offering? In the end, what/who was offered on the altar? What name did Abraham give the place where he went to offer up Isaac? What was its meaning?
4. What can we learn from the story of Abraham's offering of Isaac? Reflect on what is your own “Isaac.”
5. What promises did God give to Abraham, swearing by Himself, after Abraham obeyed God and was willing to offer up Isaac? Compared to the promises given earlier, are there differences in the promises given in chapter 22?
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
創世記 Genesis Lesson 7 (2/25)
1. 當亞伯蘭幾歲時,神又再次與他立約?立約的內容是甚麼?立約的證據是甚麼?神將亞伯蘭和撒萊改名為甚麼?
2. 當神向亞伯拉罕說撒拉將要為他生一個兒子時,亞伯拉罕和撒拉的反應是甚麼?你覺得他們相不相信神的話?(參考羅4:19~21;來11:11~12)
3. 神為何願意告訴亞伯拉罕祂將要做的事?亞伯拉罕怎樣為羅得向神代禱?從亞伯拉罕的代求中,有哪些是我們可以效法的?
4. 從聖經中你能不能看出所多瑪主要的罪惡是甚麼?當羅得告訴他的女婿們神要毀滅所多瑪城時,他們的反應如何?你認為他們為何會如此反應?(參考創19:15~16)
5. 羅得一家的結局如何?你覺得為甚麼羅得會有如此的結局?他的故事對我們有哪些提醒?羅得的子孫後來成為哪些民族?
Bible Reading: Genesis Chapters 17 to 19
1. How old was Abram when God made a covenant with him again? What were the terms of the covenant? What was the sign of the covenant? What did God rename Abram and Sarai as?
2. When God said to Abraham that Sarah was going to bear him a son, what were Abraham and Sarah's reactions? Do you think they believed God? (See Rom. 4:19-21; Heb. 11:11-12)
3. Why was God willing to tell Abraham what He was about to do? How did Abraham pray to God for Lot? What can we learn from Abraham's example of intercession?
4. From scripture, can you tell what was the primary sin of Sodom? When Lot told his sons-in-law that God was going to destroy Sodom, what were their reactions? Why do you think they reacted this way? (See Gen. 19:15-16)
5. What was the outcome for Lot and his family? Why do you think Lot's life had such an outcome? What lessons can we learn from his story? What people groups did Lot's descendants become?
1. 當亞伯蘭幾歲時,神又再次與他立約?立約的內容是甚麼?立約的證據是甚麼?神將亞伯蘭和撒萊改名為甚麼?
2. 當神向亞伯拉罕說撒拉將要為他生一個兒子時,亞伯拉罕和撒拉的反應是甚麼?你覺得他們相不相信神的話?(參考羅4:19~21;來11:11~12)
3. 神為何願意告訴亞伯拉罕祂將要做的事?亞伯拉罕怎樣為羅得向神代禱?從亞伯拉罕的代求中,有哪些是我們可以效法的?
4. 從聖經中你能不能看出所多瑪主要的罪惡是甚麼?當羅得告訴他的女婿們神要毀滅所多瑪城時,他們的反應如何?你認為他們為何會如此反應?(參考創19:15~16)
5. 羅得一家的結局如何?你覺得為甚麼羅得會有如此的結局?他的故事對我們有哪些提醒?羅得的子孫後來成為哪些民族?
Bible Reading: Genesis Chapters 17 to 19
1. How old was Abram when God made a covenant with him again? What were the terms of the covenant? What was the sign of the covenant? What did God rename Abram and Sarai as?
2. When God said to Abraham that Sarah was going to bear him a son, what were Abraham and Sarah's reactions? Do you think they believed God? (See Rom. 4:19-21; Heb. 11:11-12)
3. Why was God willing to tell Abraham what He was about to do? How did Abraham pray to God for Lot? What can we learn from Abraham's example of intercession?
4. From scripture, can you tell what was the primary sin of Sodom? When Lot told his sons-in-law that God was going to destroy Sodom, what were their reactions? Why do you think they reacted this way? (See Gen. 19:15-16)
5. What was the outcome for Lot and his family? Why do you think Lot's life had such an outcome? What lessons can we learn from his story? What people groups did Lot's descendants become?
Monday, February 13, 2012
創世記 Genesis Lesson 6 (2/18)
1. 當亞伯蘭打敗基大老瑪等四王回來時,有那兩位王出來迎接亞伯蘭?他們各別對亞伯蘭說了什麼?亞伯蘭的反應如何?
2. 神為甚麼稱亞伯蘭為義?神第一次和亞伯蘭立約是在什麼時候?立約的內容為何?
3. 亞伯蘭為何要娶夏甲為妾?從撒萊與夏甲的故事中,你有什麼領受?
4. 當夏甲逃走時遇見神的使者,神的使者要她如何行?夏甲用甚麼稱呼那對她說話的神?神的這個稱呼對你有怎樣的開啟?
Bible Reading: Genesis Chapters 14 to 16
1. After Abram defeated the four kings, which two kings came to meet with Abram? What did each of them say to Abram? What were Abram's reactions?
2. Why did God call Abram righteous? When did God make His first covenant with Abram? What were the terms of the covenant?
3. Why did Abram take Hagar as wife? What lesson did you learn from the story of Sarai and Hagar?
4. When the angel of God met with Hagar after she fled, what did he tell her to do? What did Hagar call God, who spoke to her? What revelation does this name of God give you?
1. 當亞伯蘭打敗基大老瑪等四王回來時,有那兩位王出來迎接亞伯蘭?他們各別對亞伯蘭說了什麼?亞伯蘭的反應如何?
2. 神為甚麼稱亞伯蘭為義?神第一次和亞伯蘭立約是在什麼時候?立約的內容為何?
3. 亞伯蘭為何要娶夏甲為妾?從撒萊與夏甲的故事中,你有什麼領受?
4. 當夏甲逃走時遇見神的使者,神的使者要她如何行?夏甲用甚麼稱呼那對她說話的神?神的這個稱呼對你有怎樣的開啟?
Bible Reading: Genesis Chapters 14 to 16
1. After Abram defeated the four kings, which two kings came to meet with Abram? What did each of them say to Abram? What were Abram's reactions?
2. Why did God call Abram righteous? When did God make His first covenant with Abram? What were the terms of the covenant?
3. Why did Abram take Hagar as wife? What lesson did you learn from the story of Sarai and Hagar?
4. When the angel of God met with Hagar after she fled, what did he tell her to do? What did Hagar call God, who spoke to her? What revelation does this name of God give you?
Monday, February 6, 2012
創世記 Genesis Lesson 5 (2/11)
1. 人類為什麼要建造巴別城和巴別塔?神的反應如何?你認為神為什麼要如此反應?洪水之後,人類的壽命有什麼變化?
2. 當神呼召亞伯蘭離開本地、本族、父家,往神所指示他的地方去時,神賜給他哪些應許?亞伯蘭到了迦南地之後,曾經在哪些地方為神築壇?
3. 亞伯蘭因著飢荒,從迦南地下到埃及,他為了自己性命的安全做了什麼事?結果如何?這件事給我們什麼教訓?
4. 神應許將迦南地賜給亞伯蘭的後裔,但他卻讓羅得先選地,這件事給我們什麼開啟?羅得的選擇給我們哪些提醒?
Reading: Genesis Chapter 11 to 13
1. Why did man want to build the City and Tower of Babel? What was God's response? Why do you think God responded this way? What change occurred in the life span of man after the Flood?
2. When God called Abram to leave his home, his people, and his father's house, to go to where God would show him, what promises did God give him? After Abram arrived in Canaan, in which places did he build altars to God?
3. When Abram went down to Egypt from Canaan because of the famine, what did he do to protect himself? What were the results? What lesson does this teach us?
4. God promised to give the land of Canaan to Abram's descendants. However, Abram let Lot pick his land first. What revelation does this give us? What lesson does Lot's choice teach us?
1. 人類為什麼要建造巴別城和巴別塔?神的反應如何?你認為神為什麼要如此反應?洪水之後,人類的壽命有什麼變化?
2. 當神呼召亞伯蘭離開本地、本族、父家,往神所指示他的地方去時,神賜給他哪些應許?亞伯蘭到了迦南地之後,曾經在哪些地方為神築壇?
3. 亞伯蘭因著飢荒,從迦南地下到埃及,他為了自己性命的安全做了什麼事?結果如何?這件事給我們什麼教訓?
4. 神應許將迦南地賜給亞伯蘭的後裔,但他卻讓羅得先選地,這件事給我們什麼開啟?羅得的選擇給我們哪些提醒?
Reading: Genesis Chapter 11 to 13
1. Why did man want to build the City and Tower of Babel? What was God's response? Why do you think God responded this way? What change occurred in the life span of man after the Flood?
2. When God called Abram to leave his home, his people, and his father's house, to go to where God would show him, what promises did God give him? After Abram arrived in Canaan, in which places did he build altars to God?
3. When Abram went down to Egypt from Canaan because of the famine, what did he do to protect himself? What were the results? What lesson does this teach us?
4. God promised to give the land of Canaan to Abram's descendants. However, Abram let Lot pick his land first. What revelation does this give us? What lesson does Lot's choice teach us?
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