1. 當以撒給以掃和雅各祝福時,他眼睛昏花、看不清楚,以致於他分不清誰是誰;而當雅各給以法蓮與瑪拿西祝福時,他一樣也是眼睛昏花、看不清楚,但雅各卻清清楚楚地知道:要立以法蓮在瑪拿西以上。為甚麼?
2. 麥比拉洞裡埋葬了哪些人?
3. 算一算創世記中記載約瑟一共哭了幾次?為甚麼約瑟即使做埃及宰相,身居高位,但他的心卻仍舊可以這樣地柔軟?
4. 雅各死後,約瑟的哥哥們因為害怕約瑟報復他們,就做了甚麼事?約瑟的反應如何?他向哥哥們說了甚麼?
Bible Reading: Genesis Chapters 48 to 50
1. When Isaac blessed Esau and Jacob, his eyes were weak so that he couldn't tell who was who. However, when Jacob blessed Ephraim and Manasseh, he also had weak eyes, but he clearly knew to place Ephraim above Manasseh. Why was this so?
2. List the names of the people buried in the cave of Machpelah.
3. How many times was it recorded in Genesis that Joseph cried? Why was it that even though Joseph was in the high position of ruler of Egypt, his heart was still able to be so soft?
4. After Jacob died, what did Joseph's brothers do in fear that Joseph would seek revenge? What was Joseph's reaction? What did he say to his brothers?