讀經: 創世記 8-10 章
1. 因著挪亞將潔淨的牲畜、飛鳥獻為燔祭,神有哪些心意的改變?洪水後神和哪些活物立約?立約的記號是什麼?
2. 當神創造人時,祂將什麼樣的食物賜給人?洪水之後有改變嗎?有沒有什麼是人不能吃的?為甚麼?3. 洪水之後一個人如果流人的血,他將受到怎樣的刑罰?為甚麼?這跟洪水之前一樣嗎?想一想該隱的例子。
4. 迦南為甚麼被咒詛?這一點對我們有沒有什麼提醒?
Reading: Genesis Chapters 8-10
Discussion Questions:
- What change in heart did God have as a result of Noah's sacrificing of clean animals and birds as burnt offerings? With which living creatures did God establish a covenant after the Flood? What is the sign of that covenant?
- When God created man, what did He give to him as food? Was there a change after the Flood? Is there something that man cannot eat? Why?
- After the Flood, what is the consequence of shedding a man's blood? Why? Is this the same as it was before the Flood? Think about Cain's example.
- Why was Canaan cursed? What lesson does this teach us?