讀經: 創世記3-4
討論問題: 創世記 (二)
1. 蛇怎樣誘惑夏娃?夏娃為甚麼摘下善惡知識樹的果子?我們從其中可以學習到那些教訓?
2. 亞當和夏娃發現自己是赤身露體之後,他們做了甚麼事?當他們聽見神的聲音時,他們的反應如何?最後神為他們做了甚麼?
3. 當神問亞當為何他知道自己是赤身露體時,亞當的反應是甚麼?夏娃的反應又如何?你有沒有覺得這些反應我們還蠻熟悉的?
2. 亞當和夏娃發現自己是赤身露體之後,他們做了甚麼事?當他們聽見神的聲音時,他們的反應如何?最後神為他們做了甚麼?
3. 當神問亞當為何他知道自己是赤身露體時,亞當的反應是甚麼?夏娃的反應又如何?你有沒有覺得這些反應我們還蠻熟悉的?
4. 神對蛇、夏娃、亞當分別宣佈了那些審判?然而在這些審判之中,神有沒有給亞當夏娃有關救贖的應許?
5. 該隱和亞伯分別將甚麼供物獻給神?神為甚麼悅納亞伯的供物,卻看不上該隱所獻上的?該隱的反應又如何?神因著該隱的反應,對他說了甚麼?最後該隱又做了甚麼?
Reading: Genesis 3-4
Discussion Questions:
1. How did the serpent deceive Eve? Why did Eve take of the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil? What lessons can we learn from this?
2. What did Adam and Eve do after discovering that they were naked? What was their reaction to hearing God? What did God make for them in the end?
3. What was Adam's response when God asked him how he knew he was naked? What was Eve's response to God? Do these kinds of responses sound familiar to you?
4. What was God's judgment on the serpent, Eve, and Adam? Did God give a promise of salvation to Adam and Eve even within the judgments?
5. What offerings did Cain and Abel each give to God? Why did God look with favor on Abel's offering, but not Cain's? What was Cain's reaction? What did God say to Cain concerning his reaction? What did Cain do in the end?
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