1. 當約瑟和他的兄弟相認時,他如何對他們說話?從哪裡我們可以看出約瑟已經饒恕了他哥哥們?他為甚麼能夠饒恕?
2. 雅各在下埃及之前在哪裡向神獻祭?神對他說了甚麼?雅各的兒孫中有誰死在迦南地沒有下到埃及?
3. 雅各見法老的時候是幾歲?他給法老祝福幾次?從雅各給法老祝福的這件事,我們可以看出甚麼?(參考希伯來7:7)
4. 雅各和他的子孫住在埃及的哪裡?雅各在埃及住了幾年?當雅各死期臨近時,他為甚麼要約瑟向他起誓?
Bible Reading: Genesis Chapters 44 to 47
1. With what attitude did Joseph talk to his brothers when he revealed himself to them? What can we observe that tells us that Joseph has forgiven his brothers? Why was he able to forgive?
2. Where did Jacob offer a sacrifice to God before going down to Egypt? What did God say to him? Among Jacob's descendants, who died in Canaan and did not go down to Egypt?
3. How old was Jacob when he saw Pharaoh? How many times did he bless Pharaoh? What can we observe from the fact that Jacob blessed Pharaoh? (See Heb. 7:7)
4. Where in Egypt did Jacob and his children live? How many years did Jacob live in Egypt? When the time of Jacob's death was near, why did he ask Joseph to swear to him?
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