Monday, May 7, 2012

創世記 Genesis Lesson 16 (5/6)


1. 當以撒給以掃和雅各祝福時,他眼睛昏花、看不清楚,以致於他分不清誰是誰;而當雅各給以法蓮與瑪拿西祝福時,他一樣也是眼睛昏花、看不清楚,但雅各卻清清楚楚地知道:要立以法蓮在瑪拿西以上。為甚麼?
2. 麥比拉洞裡埋葬了哪些人?
3. 算一算創世記中記載約瑟一共哭了幾次?為甚麼約瑟即使做埃及宰相,身居高位,但他的心卻仍舊可以這樣地柔軟?
4. 雅各死後,約瑟的哥哥們因為害怕約瑟報復他們,就做了甚麼事?約瑟的反應如何?他向哥哥們說了甚麼?

Bible Reading: Genesis Chapters 48 to 50

1. When Isaac blessed Esau and Jacob, his eyes were weak so that he couldn't tell who was who. However, when Jacob blessed Ephraim and Manasseh, he also had weak eyes, but he clearly knew to place Ephraim above Manasseh. Why was this so?
2. List the names of the people buried in the cave of Machpelah.
3. How many times was it recorded in Genesis that Joseph cried? Why was it that even though Joseph was in the high position of ruler of Egypt, his heart was still able to be so soft?
4. After Jacob died, what did Joseph's brothers do in fear that Joseph would seek revenge? What was Joseph's reaction? What did he say to his brothers?

Friday, April 20, 2012

創世記 Genesis Lesson 15 (4/28)


1. 當約瑟和他的兄弟相認時,他如何對他們說話?從哪裡我們可以看出約瑟已經饒恕了他哥哥們?他為甚麼能夠饒恕?
2. 雅各在下埃及之前在哪裡向神獻祭?神對他說了甚麼?雅各的兒孫中有誰死在迦南地沒有下到埃及?
3. 雅各見法老的時候是幾歲?他給法老祝福幾次?從雅各給法老祝福的這件事,我們可以看出甚麼?(參考希伯來7:7)
4. 雅各和他的子孫住在埃及的哪裡?雅各在埃及住了幾年?當雅各死期臨近時,他為甚麼要約瑟向他起誓?

Bible Reading: Genesis Chapters 44 to 47

1. With what attitude did Joseph talk to his brothers when he revealed himself to them? What can we observe that tells us that Joseph has forgiven his brothers? Why was he able to forgive?
2. Where did Jacob offer a sacrifice to God before going down to Egypt? What did God say to him? Among Jacob's descendants, who died in Canaan and did not go down to Egypt?
3. How old was Jacob when he saw Pharaoh? How many times did he bless Pharaoh? What can we observe from the fact that Jacob blessed Pharaoh? (See Heb. 7:7)
4. Where in Egypt did Jacob and his children live? How many years did Jacob live in Egypt? When the time of Jacob's death was near, why did he ask Joseph to swear to him?

Monday, April 16, 2012

創世記 Genesis Lesson 14 (4/21)


1. 你認為酒政忘了向約瑟施恩,使他在監牢裡又多待了兩年,是偶然的還是神的掌管? 為甚麼?
2. 約瑟如何解釋法老的兩個夢?法老又如何地反應?約瑟給他兩個兒子取甚麼名字?它們的意思是甚麼?
3. 約瑟見法老的時候是幾歲?當他再見到哥哥們時大約是幾歲?從神給約瑟的兩個夢到夢的實現,相隔了大約幾年?我們可以從這裡學到甚麼功課?
4. 雅各一開始不肯讓便雅憫去埃及,後來他有沒有放手,將這件事交在神的手中?還記得雅各的意思是甚麼?從這裡我們看到他的生命有甚麼改變?

Bible Reading: Genesis Chapters 40 to 43

1. Do you think it was a coincidence or the hand of God when the cupbearer forgot about Joseph, resulting in his staying in prison for 2 more years?
2. What interpretations did Joseph give to Pharaoh of his two dreams? How did Pharaoh respond? What did Joseph name his two sons? What are the meanings of those names?
3. How old was Joseph when he saw Pharaoh? About how old was he when he saw his brothers again? How many years separated Joseph's two dreams and the fulfillment of them? What can we learn from this?
4. Although at first Jacob was not willing to let Benjamin go to Egypt, did he eventually let go and give it into God's hands? Recall the meaning of Jacob's name. What change do we observe in his life?

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

創世記 Genesis Lesson 13 (4/14)


1. 約瑟的哥哥們為甚麼嫉妒他、恨他,甚至到一個地步想要殺他?哥哥們中有誰想要救約瑟?
2. 自從雅各回到迦南地之後遭受了哪些打擊?為甚麼他跟以撒的經歷如此地不同?
3. 約瑟在波提乏家中做奴僕時,神如何祝福他?
4. 當約瑟因著敬畏神而拒絕了波提乏妻子的誘惑,但卻因此被誣陷在監獄裡,你覺得他應該會有甚麼樣的心路歷程?神在監獄中如何向約瑟施恩?

Bible Reading: Genesis Chapters 36 to 39

1. Why did Joseph's brothers envy him and hate him even to the point of wanting to kill him? Who among the brothers wanted to save Joseph's life?
2. What negative things happened to Jacob after his return to Canaan? Why was his journey so different from that of Isaac?
3. When Joseph was a slave in the house of Potiphar, how did God bless him?
4. When Joseph rejected the seduction of Potiphar's wife out of fear of God, but was falsely accused and imprisoned as a result, what do you think he went through in his mind and heart? How did God give grace to Joseph in the prison?

Monday, March 26, 2012

創世記 Genesis Lesson 12 (3/31)



Bible Reading: Genesis Chapters 32 to 35

1.When Jacob heard that Esau was coming with 400 men to meet him, what was his reaction? What arrangements did he make? What prayer did he pray to God?
2.What happened to Jacob at the ford of the Jabbok? Who do you think the man was who wrestled with Jacob? What did he do to Jacob, and what did he say to him? What does “Peniel” mean?
3.What did the sons of Jacob do to Shechem and the city of Shechem? Do you think what they did has something to do with Jacob's personality?
4.After Jacob returned to Canaan, where did he build an altar to God? What did God say to him there?

Monday, March 19, 2012

創世記 Genesis Lesson 11 (3/24)


1. 雅各為何愛拉結勝過利亞?事實上,聖經上說雅各恨利亞,你覺得為什麼會如此?神如何介入這一件事?
2. 雅各在巴旦亞蘭(哈蘭)時一共生了11個兒子,他們名字有甚麼意義?他們的母親分別是誰?
3. 拉班曾經在哪些事上用詭詐的方法對待雅各?雅各有沒有回應的辦法?你認為神為何要將雅各放在拉班的手下?
4. 在創世記31:3神叫雅各回到迦南,並且應許和他同在,但雅各為甚麼要背著拉班偷偷地逃回迦南?當拉班帶人來追雅各時,神做了甚麼事?

Bible Reading: Genesis Chapters 29 to 31

1. Why did Jacob love Rachel more than Leah? In fact, the Bible says that Jacob hated Leah. Why do you think this was? How did God intervene in this?
2. Jacob became the father of 11 sons in Paddan Aram. What are the meanings of their names? Who are each of their mothers?
3. In which matters did Laban deal treacherously with Jacob? What was Jacob's response? Why do you think God placed Jacob under Laban?
4. In Gen 31:3 God told Jacob to return to Canaan, and promised to be with him. So why did Jacob run away from Laban secretly? When Laban led his men to pursue Jacob, what did God do?

Monday, March 12, 2012

創世記 Genesis Lesson 10 (3/17)


1. 當以撒寄居在基拉耳的時候,神向他顯現,將哪些應許賜給他?以撒為什麼要稱利百加為他的妹子?俗話說:有其父必有其子,以撒的這件事給我們甚麼教訓?
2. 以撒在非利士人的地寄居時,神如何祝福以撒?非利士人和以撒為哪些井爭競過?以撒的反應如何?結果又如何?從這件事我們可以學到甚麼?
3. 從創世記27章中以撒、利百加、以掃和雅各四個人的故事中,我們可以學到哪些功課?
4. 利百加為什麼打發雅各往她哥哥拉班那裡去?當雅各要離開家時,以撒給他哪些祝福?
5. 神在伯特利如何向雅各顯現?神對他說了甚麼?雅各用詭計騙了以掃的祝福,神為何還要祝福雅各?

Bible Reading: Genesis Chapters 26 to 28 

1. When Isaac was living in Gerar, God appeared to him and gave him which promises? Why did Isaac call Rebekah his sister? As the saying goes, “like father, like son.” What lesson does this event with Isaac teach us?
2. When Isaac was living in the land of the Philistines, how did God bless Isaac? For which wells did the Philistines and Isaac have conflict over? What was Isaac's reaction? What were the results? What can we learn from these things?
3. What lessons can we learn from the story of Isaac, Rebekah, Esau, and Jacob in chapter 27?
4. Why did Rebekah send Jacob to her brother Laban? When Jacob left home, what blessings did Isaac give him?
5. How did God appear to Jacob at Bethel? What did God say to him? Why did God still bless Jacob even though he stole Esau's blessing through deception?

Sunday, March 4, 2012

創世記 Genesis Lesson 9 (3/10)


1. 神應許將迦南地賜給亞伯拉罕和他的後裔作產業,但亞伯拉罕生前有沒有實際上在迦南擁有一塊土地?如果有是在哪裡?用途是甚麼?
2. 你認為利百加為甚麼會被選上做以撒的妻子?當她要離開她的家人時,他們給她甚麼祝福?
3. 以掃和雅各的個性有甚麼不一樣的地方?聖經上為何說以掃輕看長子的名份?這有沒有給我們任何的警誡?

Bible Reading: Genesis Chapters 23 to 25
1. God promised to give the land of Canaan to Abraham and his descendants as their inheritance, but during Abraham's lifetime, did he ever own any land in Canaan? If so, where was it? What was its use?
2. Why do you think Rebekah was chosen as Isaac's wife? When she was saying goodbye to her family, what blessing did they give her?
3. How did Esau and Jacob's personalities differ? Why does the Bible say that Esau despised his birthright? Can we learn a lesson from this?

Thursday, February 23, 2012

創世記 Genesis Lesson 8 (3/3)


1. 當亞伯拉罕寄居在基拉耳時,他又犯了從前在埃及時所犯的錯誤。亞伯拉罕為什麼要稱撒拉是他的妹子?他這樣做算不算說謊?在這亞伯拉罕犯的兩次錯誤中,神如何伸手搭救撒拉?從這個例子中,我們可以認識神的哪些屬性?
2. 以實瑪利和以撒兩個人中間,誰能夠繼承亞伯拉罕的產業?誰的後代才能稱為亞伯拉罕的後裔?為什麼使女的兒子不能和以撒一同承受產業?
3. 神為什麼要亞伯拉罕將以撒獻上做燔祭?最後被獻在祭壇上的是誰?亞伯拉罕稱他獻以撒的地方為甚麼?它的意義為何?
4. 從亞伯拉罕獻以撒的故事中,我們可以學到甚麼?想一想,我們自己的以撒是甚麼?
5. 亞伯拉罕順服神,願意將以撒獻上之後,神就指著祂自己起誓,對亞伯拉罕說了哪些應許?跟以前神對亞伯拉罕說過的應許比起來,創世記22章的應許有沒有不一樣的地方?

Bible Reading: Genesis Chapters 20 to 22 

1. When Abraham was living in Gerar, he committed the same sin he did in Egypt. Why did Abraham call Sarah his sister? Does this count as lying? In both instances, how did God rescue Sarah? What can we learn about the nature of God from this example?
2. Between Ishmael and Isaac, who could receive Abraham's inheritance? Whose descendants are considered “offspring of Abraham”? Why was it that the son of the slave woman could not receive the inheritance together with Isaac?
3. Why did God ask Abraham to offer up Isaac as a burnt offering? In the end, what/who was offered on the altar? What name did Abraham give the place where he went to offer up Isaac? What was its meaning?
4. What can we learn from the story of Abraham's offering of Isaac? Reflect on what is your own “Isaac.”
5. What promises did God give to Abraham, swearing by Himself, after Abraham obeyed God and was willing to offer up Isaac? Compared to the promises given earlier, are there differences in the promises given in chapter 22?

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

創世記 Genesis Lesson 7 (2/25)


1. 當亞伯蘭幾歲時,神又再次與他立約?立約的內容是甚麼?立約的證據是甚麼?神將亞伯蘭和撒萊改名為甚麼?
2. 當神向亞伯拉罕說撒拉將要為他生一個兒子時,亞伯拉罕和撒拉的反應是甚麼?你覺得他們相不相信神的話?(參考羅4:19~21;來11:11~12)
3. 神為何願意告訴亞伯拉罕祂將要做的事?亞伯拉罕怎樣為羅得向神代禱?從亞伯拉罕的代求中,有哪些是我們可以效法的?
4. 從聖經中你能不能看出所多瑪主要的罪惡是甚麼?當羅得告訴他的女婿們神要毀滅所多瑪城時,他們的反應如何?你認為他們為何會如此反應?(參考創19:15~16)
5. 羅得一家的結局如何?你覺得為甚麼羅得會有如此的結局?他的故事對我們有哪些提醒?羅得的子孫後來成為哪些民族?

Bible Reading: Genesis Chapters 17 to 19 

1. How old was Abram when God made a covenant with him again? What were the terms of the covenant? What was the sign of the covenant? What did God rename Abram and Sarai as?
2. When God said to Abraham that Sarah was going to bear him a son, what were Abraham and Sarah's reactions? Do you think they believed God? (See Rom. 4:19-21; Heb. 11:11-12)
3. Why was God willing to tell Abraham what He was about to do? How did Abraham pray to God for Lot? What can we learn from Abraham's example of intercession?
4. From scripture, can you tell what was the primary sin of Sodom? When Lot told his sons-in-law that God was going to destroy Sodom, what were their reactions? Why do you think they reacted this way? (See Gen. 19:15-16)
5. What was the outcome for Lot and his family? Why do you think Lot's life had such an outcome? What lessons can we learn from his story? What people groups did Lot's descendants become?

Monday, February 13, 2012

創世記 Genesis Lesson 6 (2/18)


1. 當亞伯蘭打敗基大老瑪等四王回來時,有那兩位王出來迎接亞伯蘭?他們各別對亞伯蘭說了什麼?亞伯蘭的反應如何?
2. 神為甚麼稱亞伯蘭為義?神第一次和亞伯蘭立約是在什麼時候?立約的內容為何?
3. 亞伯蘭為何要娶夏甲為妾?從撒萊與夏甲的故事中,你有什麼領受?
4. 當夏甲逃走時遇見神的使者,神的使者要她如何行?夏甲用甚麼稱呼那對她說話的神?神的這個稱呼對你有怎樣的開啟?

Bible Reading: Genesis Chapters 14 to 16 

1. After Abram defeated the four kings, which two kings came to meet with Abram? What did each of them say to Abram? What were Abram's reactions?
2. Why did God call Abram righteous? When did God make His first covenant with Abram? What were the terms of the covenant?
3. Why did Abram take Hagar as wife? What lesson did you learn from the story of Sarai and Hagar?
4. When the angel of God met with Hagar after she fled, what did he tell her to do? What did Hagar call God, who spoke to her? What revelation does this name of God give you?

Monday, February 6, 2012

創世記 Genesis Lesson 5 (2/11)


1. 人類為什麼要建造巴別城和巴別塔?神的反應如何?你認為神為什麼要如此反應?洪水之後,人類的壽命有什麼變化?
2. 當神呼召亞伯蘭離開本地、本族、父家,往神所指示他的地方去時,神賜給他哪些應許?亞伯蘭到了迦南地之後,曾經在哪些地方為神築壇?
3. 亞伯蘭因著飢荒,從迦南地下到埃及,他為了自己性命的安全做了什麼事?結果如何?這件事給我們什麼教訓?
4. 神應許將迦南地賜給亞伯蘭的後裔,但他卻讓羅得先選地,這件事給我們什麼開啟?羅得的選擇給我們哪些提醒?

Reading: Genesis Chapter 11 to 13

1. Why did man want to build the City and Tower of Babel? What was God's response? Why do you think God responded this way? What change occurred in the life span of man after the Flood?
2. When God called Abram to leave his home, his people, and his father's house, to go to where God would show him, what promises did God give him? After Abram arrived in Canaan, in which places did he build altars to God?
3. When Abram went down to Egypt from Canaan because of the famine, what did he do to protect himself? What were the results? What lesson does this teach us?
4. God promised to give the land of Canaan to Abram's descendants. However, Abram let Lot pick his land first. What revelation does this give us? What lesson does Lot's choice teach us?

Friday, January 27, 2012

創世記 Genesis Lesson 4 (2/04)

讀經: 創世記 8-10 章

1.        因著挪亞將潔淨的牲畜、飛鳥獻為燔祭,神有哪些心意的改變?洪水後神和哪些活物立約?立約的記號是什麼?
2.         當神創造人時,祂將什麼樣的食物賜給人?洪水之後有改變嗎?有沒有什麼是人不能吃的?為甚麼?
3.         洪水之後一個人如果流人的血,他將受到怎樣的刑罰?為甚麼?這跟洪水之前一樣嗎?想一想該隱的例子。
4.            迦南為甚麼被咒詛?這一點對我們有沒有什麼提醒?

Reading: Genesis Chapters 8-10

Discussion Questions:
  1. What change in heart did God have as a result of Noah's sacrificing of clean animals and birds as burnt offerings? With which living creatures did God establish a covenant after the Flood? What is the sign of that covenant?
  2. When God created man, what did He give to him as food? Was there a change after the Flood? Is there something that man cannot eat? Why?
  3. After the Flood, what is the consequence of shedding a man's blood? Why? Is this the same as it was before the Flood? Think about Cain's example.
  4. Why was Canaan cursed? What lesson does this teach us?

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

創世記 Genesis Lesson 3 (1/28)

讀經: 創世記 5-7 章
1.      創世記第五章記載亞當後代子孫的一生時,最常出現那兩個詞?其中卻有一個特殊的例外,他是誰?他有什麼樣的例外?為甚麼?
2.      根據聖經,誰是歷史上在地上活的最久的人?他死的那一年發生什麼事?
3.      神為何要用洪水來毀滅全地?祂是在什麼樣的心情下施行這樣的審判?這一點有沒有幫助你更多地認識神的屬性?
4.      創世記第六章記載挪亞有那三項特點?他有幾個兒子?你能不能算出挪亞建造方舟,大約用了多少年?

Reading: Genesis Chapters 5-7

Discussion Questions:
1.  In Gen. 5, in the account of the lives of the descendants of Adam, which two phrases appear most frequently? Who was the one exception? What were his differences?
2.  According to the Bible, who was the man who lived the longest life in history? What happened on the year of his death?
3.  Why did God destroy the earth with a flood? What was He feeling when He carried out this judgment? Does this help you understand the nature of God better?
4.  From Gen. 6, what three characteristics did Noah have? How many sons did he have? How many years, approximately, did it take Noah to build the ark?

Friday, January 13, 2012

創世記 Genesis Lesson 2 (1/21)

讀經: 創世記3-4
討論問題: 創世記 ()
1.      蛇怎樣誘惑夏娃?夏娃為甚麼摘下善惡知識樹的果子?我們從其中可以學習到那些教訓?
2.      亞當和夏娃發現自己是赤身露體之後,他們做了甚麼事?當他們聽見神的聲音時,他們的反應如何?最後神為他們做了甚麼?
3.      當神問亞當為何他知道自己是赤身露體時,亞當的反應是甚麼?夏娃的反應又如何?你有沒有覺得這些反應我們還蠻熟悉的?
4.      神對蛇、夏娃、亞當分別宣佈了那些審判?然而在這些審判之中,神有沒有給亞當夏娃有關救贖的應許?
5.      該隱和亞伯分別將甚麼供物獻給神?神為甚麼悅納亞伯的供物,卻看不上該隱所獻上的?該隱的反應又如何?神因著該隱的反應,對他說了甚麼?最後該隱又做了甚麼?

Reading: Genesis 3-4
Discussion Questions:
1.  How did the serpent deceive Eve? Why did Eve take of the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil? What lessons can we learn from this?
2.  What did Adam and Eve do after discovering that they were naked? What was their reaction to hearing God? What did God make for them in the end?
3.  What was Adam's response when God asked him how he knew he was naked? What was Eve's response to God? Do these kinds of responses sound familiar to you?
4.  What was God's judgment on the serpent, Eve, and Adam? Did God give a promise of salvation to Adam and Eve even within the judgments?
5.  What offerings did Cain and Abel each give to God? Why did God look with favor on Abel's offering, but not Cain's? What was Cain's reaction? What did God say to Cain concerning his reaction? What did Cain do in the end?

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

創世記 Genesis Lesson 1 (1/14)

讀經: 創世記1-2
討論問題: 創世記 ()
1.   神在六日中分別造出那些事物?在這六日中,神對祂所造之物的反應是甚麼?
2.   創世記中的記載和科學上的發現,例如遠古生物的化石等等,有沒有衝突的地方?
3.   人類的受造有何獨特之處?神賦予人類那些的權柄?
4.   神有沒有同時創造出男人和女人?如果不是,神如何創造亞當?神又如何造出夏娃?亞當如何描述夏娃與他的關係?從夏娃受造的過程中(創2:18~22),你能不能看出甚麼?
5.   你認為神創造萬物有何目地?神創造人類的目地又是甚麼?

Reading: Genesis Chapters 1- 2

Discussion Questions:
1.  What did God create in each of six days? In these six days, what reaction did God have towards His creation?
2.  Are there conflicts between the account of Genesis and the discoveries of science, such as fossils of ancient living things?
3.  What is unique about the creation of Man? What authorities did God give to Man?
4.  Did God create man and woman at the same time? If not, how did God create Adam?
5.  How did He create Eve? How did Adam describe Eve's relationship with him? What observations do you have about the method of Eve's creation? (Gen. 2:18-22)
6.  What do you think is God's purpose for creation? What is God's purpose for creating Man?