Saturday, August 21, 2010

馬太福音 Matthew Lesson 6 - 2010/08/28

下週作業 ─ 8/28
背誦經文:馬太福音5:3 - 12;8:17;11:28 - 30

  1. 主耶穌到底有沒有違犯 (violate) 安息日?(可2:27-28; 太12:3-8; 林後3:6 ),你遵守神的話語時,有沒有不小心陷入和法利賽人相同或類似的危機?
  2. 在太13:10~17中,耶穌難道真的不希望以色列百姓回轉嗎?主耶穌對眾人只用比喻的用意到底是什麼?
  3. 為什麼種子撒在地上會有不同果效?馬太福音撒種的比喻中,甚麼是土淺石頭地?好土應該有哪些特性?人知道真理後要怎樣做,才可結實數十倍呢?(太13:3-23)

Homework for Next Week (Aug. 28)
Reading: Gospel of Matthew Chapters 12-13
Memorize the following Bible verses:
  • Matthew 5:3 - 12
  • Matthew 8:17
  • Matthew 11:28 – 30
Discussion Questions:
  1. Did the Lord Jesus violate the Sabbath? (Mark 2:27-28, Matt. 12:3-8, 2 Cor. 3:6) Have you inadvertently fallen into the same kind of danger as the Pharisee when obeying the Word of God?
  2. In Mark 13:10-17, did Jesus really not want Israelites to turn back to Him? Why did Jesus speak to the crowds only in parables?
  3. Why do seeds that have been sowed in different soils have different results? In the Parable of the Sower of the Gospel of Matthew, what are the "rocky places"? What are the characteristics that good soil should have? What should a man do after hearing the truth to produce a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown? (Matt. 13:3-23)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

馬太福音 Matthew Lesson 5 - 2010/08/21

  1. 在太10:5~6中,耶穌為何吩咐12 使徒只要向以色列人傳福音?在太28:18~20及可16:15中主耶穌不是要門徒傳福音給萬民嗎?
  2. 傳福音應有什麼態度?傳福音時會遭遇什麼樣的艱難和代價?可以舉幾個你在生活中遇到的例子,你是如何面對?
  3. 我們會有壓力與重擔的根源是什麼?耶穌是如何面對工作沒有果效?你從耶穌身上學到什麼?

Homework for Next Week (Aug. 21):
Reading: Gospel of Matthew Chapters 10-11
Discussion Questions:
  1. Why did Jesus instruct his 12 disciples to preach the gospel only to Israelites (Matthew 10:5-6)? Did Jesus not want His disciples to spread the gospel to all nations (Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 16:15)?
  2. What attitudes should we have when evangelizing? What difficulties may be met, and what price will it cost, when evangelizing? You can take some examples from your own experiences. How did you face these situations?
  3. What are the root causes of the pressure and burden that we feel? How did Jesus handle the ineffectiveness of His work? What have you learned from Jesus' example?
Memorize Matthew 11:28-30.