Friday, September 24, 2010

馬太福音II Matthew II - Lesson 3 - 2010/10/2





1. 就聖經而論到底基督徒可不可以離婚? (19:3~12)

2. 當神給你一個命令是你做不到的時候,你會如何反應? (19:16~27

3. 在葡萄園工人的比喻裡,你覺得這個主人給的工價合理嗎? 他的工人有權力提出抗議嗎?你覺得這個比喻是在講什麼? (太20:1~16)

Next Week’s Homework:

Read Matthew 19 – 21:46

Memorize Matthew 20:26-28

Download Notes

Discussion Questions:

1. According to the Bible, can Christians divorce? (Matt19:3~12)

2. What would you do if God's commandment to you is difficult to obey? Matt 19:16~27

3. In the parable of the Vineyard keeper, do you think the Master's salary is fair? Do his workers have the right to object? What do you think this parable is referring to? Matt 20:1-16

Monday, September 20, 2010

馬太福音II Matthew II - Lesson 2 - 2010/09/25

讀經:馬太福音16:21 - 18:35




  1. 主耶穌在太16:23中為何要那樣嚴厲地說彼得?畢竟彼得是一片好心啊﹗
  2. 主耶穌在高山上改變形像時,有舊約中的摩西和以利亞向門徒顯現,這有沒有特殊的意義?與上一章的重要啟示有相關嗎?
  3. 如果你的弟兄犯罪或是得罪你,你該怎麼辦?彼得的問題與前面處理犯錯的原則有何相關?在饒恕人這件事上有那些要點值得注意?


Read: Mt. 16:21-18:35

Memorize: Mt. 16:24-26

Download notes here

Discussion Questions:

  1. Why did Lord Jesus rebuke Peter in Mt. 16:23? Peter’s intention was good, right?
  2. During Jesus’ transfiguration Moses and Elijah also appeared to the disciples, did that mean anything special? Was it related to the revelations from the last chapter?
  3. If your brother sinned or offended you, what should you do? How was Peter’s question and the principles to deal with sins related? What points should we pay attention to on forgiveness and forgiving people?

Friday, September 10, 2010

馬太福音II Matthew II - Lesson 1 - 2010/09/18

讀經:馬太福音13章53-58節‭, & ‬14章~16章
討論問題:‭ ‬
  1. 你覺得為什麼耶穌把迦南婦人比喻成狗呢?‭(‬太15:22-28‭)
  2. ‬請問彼得是教會的根基嗎?如果是為什麼是建立在他身上?如果不是那誰才是教會真正的根基呢?‭(‬馬太16:18‭)
  3. ‬對你個人來說,耶穌是誰?那些對於耶穌的認識是你親身經歷的?
Reading: Gospel of Matthew 13:53-58; 14-16
Memorize: Ephesians 1:17-18
Download notes here
Discussion Questions:
  1. Why do you think Jesus compared the Canaanite woman to a dog?
  2. Is Peter the rock upon which the church is built? If so, why is the church built upon him? If not, who is the true rock (foundation) of the church? (Matt. 16:18)
  3. Who is Jesus to you personally? Out of everything you know about Jesus, what have you personally experienced?