Friday, January 27, 2012

創世記 Genesis Lesson 4 (2/04)

讀經: 創世記 8-10 章

1.        因著挪亞將潔淨的牲畜、飛鳥獻為燔祭,神有哪些心意的改變?洪水後神和哪些活物立約?立約的記號是什麼?
2.         當神創造人時,祂將什麼樣的食物賜給人?洪水之後有改變嗎?有沒有什麼是人不能吃的?為甚麼?
3.         洪水之後一個人如果流人的血,他將受到怎樣的刑罰?為甚麼?這跟洪水之前一樣嗎?想一想該隱的例子。
4.            迦南為甚麼被咒詛?這一點對我們有沒有什麼提醒?

Reading: Genesis Chapters 8-10

Discussion Questions:
  1. What change in heart did God have as a result of Noah's sacrificing of clean animals and birds as burnt offerings? With which living creatures did God establish a covenant after the Flood? What is the sign of that covenant?
  2. When God created man, what did He give to him as food? Was there a change after the Flood? Is there something that man cannot eat? Why?
  3. After the Flood, what is the consequence of shedding a man's blood? Why? Is this the same as it was before the Flood? Think about Cain's example.
  4. Why was Canaan cursed? What lesson does this teach us?

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

創世記 Genesis Lesson 3 (1/28)

讀經: 創世記 5-7 章
1.      創世記第五章記載亞當後代子孫的一生時,最常出現那兩個詞?其中卻有一個特殊的例外,他是誰?他有什麼樣的例外?為甚麼?
2.      根據聖經,誰是歷史上在地上活的最久的人?他死的那一年發生什麼事?
3.      神為何要用洪水來毀滅全地?祂是在什麼樣的心情下施行這樣的審判?這一點有沒有幫助你更多地認識神的屬性?
4.      創世記第六章記載挪亞有那三項特點?他有幾個兒子?你能不能算出挪亞建造方舟,大約用了多少年?

Reading: Genesis Chapters 5-7

Discussion Questions:
1.  In Gen. 5, in the account of the lives of the descendants of Adam, which two phrases appear most frequently? Who was the one exception? What were his differences?
2.  According to the Bible, who was the man who lived the longest life in history? What happened on the year of his death?
3.  Why did God destroy the earth with a flood? What was He feeling when He carried out this judgment? Does this help you understand the nature of God better?
4.  From Gen. 6, what three characteristics did Noah have? How many sons did he have? How many years, approximately, did it take Noah to build the ark?

Friday, January 13, 2012

創世記 Genesis Lesson 2 (1/21)

讀經: 創世記3-4
討論問題: 創世記 ()
1.      蛇怎樣誘惑夏娃?夏娃為甚麼摘下善惡知識樹的果子?我們從其中可以學習到那些教訓?
2.      亞當和夏娃發現自己是赤身露體之後,他們做了甚麼事?當他們聽見神的聲音時,他們的反應如何?最後神為他們做了甚麼?
3.      當神問亞當為何他知道自己是赤身露體時,亞當的反應是甚麼?夏娃的反應又如何?你有沒有覺得這些反應我們還蠻熟悉的?
4.      神對蛇、夏娃、亞當分別宣佈了那些審判?然而在這些審判之中,神有沒有給亞當夏娃有關救贖的應許?
5.      該隱和亞伯分別將甚麼供物獻給神?神為甚麼悅納亞伯的供物,卻看不上該隱所獻上的?該隱的反應又如何?神因著該隱的反應,對他說了甚麼?最後該隱又做了甚麼?

Reading: Genesis 3-4
Discussion Questions:
1.  How did the serpent deceive Eve? Why did Eve take of the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil? What lessons can we learn from this?
2.  What did Adam and Eve do after discovering that they were naked? What was their reaction to hearing God? What did God make for them in the end?
3.  What was Adam's response when God asked him how he knew he was naked? What was Eve's response to God? Do these kinds of responses sound familiar to you?
4.  What was God's judgment on the serpent, Eve, and Adam? Did God give a promise of salvation to Adam and Eve even within the judgments?
5.  What offerings did Cain and Abel each give to God? Why did God look with favor on Abel's offering, but not Cain's? What was Cain's reaction? What did God say to Cain concerning his reaction? What did Cain do in the end?

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

創世記 Genesis Lesson 1 (1/14)

讀經: 創世記1-2
討論問題: 創世記 ()
1.   神在六日中分別造出那些事物?在這六日中,神對祂所造之物的反應是甚麼?
2.   創世記中的記載和科學上的發現,例如遠古生物的化石等等,有沒有衝突的地方?
3.   人類的受造有何獨特之處?神賦予人類那些的權柄?
4.   神有沒有同時創造出男人和女人?如果不是,神如何創造亞當?神又如何造出夏娃?亞當如何描述夏娃與他的關係?從夏娃受造的過程中(創2:18~22),你能不能看出甚麼?
5.   你認為神創造萬物有何目地?神創造人類的目地又是甚麼?

Reading: Genesis Chapters 1- 2

Discussion Questions:
1.  What did God create in each of six days? In these six days, what reaction did God have towards His creation?
2.  Are there conflicts between the account of Genesis and the discoveries of science, such as fossils of ancient living things?
3.  What is unique about the creation of Man? What authorities did God give to Man?
4.  Did God create man and woman at the same time? If not, how did God create Adam?
5.  How did He create Eve? How did Adam describe Eve's relationship with him? What observations do you have about the method of Eve's creation? (Gen. 2:18-22)
6.  What do you think is God's purpose for creation? What is God's purpose for creating Man?