Monday, March 26, 2012

創世記 Genesis Lesson 12 (3/31)



Bible Reading: Genesis Chapters 32 to 35

1.When Jacob heard that Esau was coming with 400 men to meet him, what was his reaction? What arrangements did he make? What prayer did he pray to God?
2.What happened to Jacob at the ford of the Jabbok? Who do you think the man was who wrestled with Jacob? What did he do to Jacob, and what did he say to him? What does “Peniel” mean?
3.What did the sons of Jacob do to Shechem and the city of Shechem? Do you think what they did has something to do with Jacob's personality?
4.After Jacob returned to Canaan, where did he build an altar to God? What did God say to him there?

Monday, March 19, 2012

創世記 Genesis Lesson 11 (3/24)


1. 雅各為何愛拉結勝過利亞?事實上,聖經上說雅各恨利亞,你覺得為什麼會如此?神如何介入這一件事?
2. 雅各在巴旦亞蘭(哈蘭)時一共生了11個兒子,他們名字有甚麼意義?他們的母親分別是誰?
3. 拉班曾經在哪些事上用詭詐的方法對待雅各?雅各有沒有回應的辦法?你認為神為何要將雅各放在拉班的手下?
4. 在創世記31:3神叫雅各回到迦南,並且應許和他同在,但雅各為甚麼要背著拉班偷偷地逃回迦南?當拉班帶人來追雅各時,神做了甚麼事?

Bible Reading: Genesis Chapters 29 to 31

1. Why did Jacob love Rachel more than Leah? In fact, the Bible says that Jacob hated Leah. Why do you think this was? How did God intervene in this?
2. Jacob became the father of 11 sons in Paddan Aram. What are the meanings of their names? Who are each of their mothers?
3. In which matters did Laban deal treacherously with Jacob? What was Jacob's response? Why do you think God placed Jacob under Laban?
4. In Gen 31:3 God told Jacob to return to Canaan, and promised to be with him. So why did Jacob run away from Laban secretly? When Laban led his men to pursue Jacob, what did God do?

Monday, March 12, 2012

創世記 Genesis Lesson 10 (3/17)


1. 當以撒寄居在基拉耳的時候,神向他顯現,將哪些應許賜給他?以撒為什麼要稱利百加為他的妹子?俗話說:有其父必有其子,以撒的這件事給我們甚麼教訓?
2. 以撒在非利士人的地寄居時,神如何祝福以撒?非利士人和以撒為哪些井爭競過?以撒的反應如何?結果又如何?從這件事我們可以學到甚麼?
3. 從創世記27章中以撒、利百加、以掃和雅各四個人的故事中,我們可以學到哪些功課?
4. 利百加為什麼打發雅各往她哥哥拉班那裡去?當雅各要離開家時,以撒給他哪些祝福?
5. 神在伯特利如何向雅各顯現?神對他說了甚麼?雅各用詭計騙了以掃的祝福,神為何還要祝福雅各?

Bible Reading: Genesis Chapters 26 to 28 

1. When Isaac was living in Gerar, God appeared to him and gave him which promises? Why did Isaac call Rebekah his sister? As the saying goes, “like father, like son.” What lesson does this event with Isaac teach us?
2. When Isaac was living in the land of the Philistines, how did God bless Isaac? For which wells did the Philistines and Isaac have conflict over? What was Isaac's reaction? What were the results? What can we learn from these things?
3. What lessons can we learn from the story of Isaac, Rebekah, Esau, and Jacob in chapter 27?
4. Why did Rebekah send Jacob to her brother Laban? When Jacob left home, what blessings did Isaac give him?
5. How did God appear to Jacob at Bethel? What did God say to him? Why did God still bless Jacob even though he stole Esau's blessing through deception?

Sunday, March 4, 2012

創世記 Genesis Lesson 9 (3/10)


1. 神應許將迦南地賜給亞伯拉罕和他的後裔作產業,但亞伯拉罕生前有沒有實際上在迦南擁有一塊土地?如果有是在哪裡?用途是甚麼?
2. 你認為利百加為甚麼會被選上做以撒的妻子?當她要離開她的家人時,他們給她甚麼祝福?
3. 以掃和雅各的個性有甚麼不一樣的地方?聖經上為何說以掃輕看長子的名份?這有沒有給我們任何的警誡?

Bible Reading: Genesis Chapters 23 to 25
1. God promised to give the land of Canaan to Abraham and his descendants as their inheritance, but during Abraham's lifetime, did he ever own any land in Canaan? If so, where was it? What was its use?
2. Why do you think Rebekah was chosen as Isaac's wife? When she was saying goodbye to her family, what blessing did they give her?
3. How did Esau and Jacob's personalities differ? Why does the Bible say that Esau despised his birthright? Can we learn a lesson from this?