Monday, March 19, 2012

創世記 Genesis Lesson 11 (3/24)


1. 雅各為何愛拉結勝過利亞?事實上,聖經上說雅各恨利亞,你覺得為什麼會如此?神如何介入這一件事?
2. 雅各在巴旦亞蘭(哈蘭)時一共生了11個兒子,他們名字有甚麼意義?他們的母親分別是誰?
3. 拉班曾經在哪些事上用詭詐的方法對待雅各?雅各有沒有回應的辦法?你認為神為何要將雅各放在拉班的手下?
4. 在創世記31:3神叫雅各回到迦南,並且應許和他同在,但雅各為甚麼要背著拉班偷偷地逃回迦南?當拉班帶人來追雅各時,神做了甚麼事?

Bible Reading: Genesis Chapters 29 to 31

1. Why did Jacob love Rachel more than Leah? In fact, the Bible says that Jacob hated Leah. Why do you think this was? How did God intervene in this?
2. Jacob became the father of 11 sons in Paddan Aram. What are the meanings of their names? Who are each of their mothers?
3. In which matters did Laban deal treacherously with Jacob? What was Jacob's response? Why do you think God placed Jacob under Laban?
4. In Gen 31:3 God told Jacob to return to Canaan, and promised to be with him. So why did Jacob run away from Laban secretly? When Laban led his men to pursue Jacob, what did God do?

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