Thursday, February 3, 2011

士師記 Judges Lesson 4 (2/26)

士師記 第四課 下載問題

1. 米迦私自設立的祭司,後來成為但支派祭司的是誰?根據律法,他能作祭司嗎?

2. 利未人與妾的故事大約是發生在甚麼時候?比較一下基比亞匪徒所做的跟創世記19章中所多瑪人所行的。

3. 在以色列人討伐基比亞人的戰事中,你認為神為什麼在第三天才將便雅憫人交在以色列人手中?在前兩天神不是也同意以色列人去攻打便雅憫人嗎?

4. 士17:6, 18:1, 19:1, 21:25都說到那時以色列中沒有王,以色列中真的沒有王嗎?

1. 誰是你每天的生活中的王?這跟你是否活得喜樂、充實有什麼關係?

Bible Reading: Judges Chapters 17-21 (Download Questions)
1. Who did Micah place as priest out of selfish motives, who later became the priest of Dan? According to the Law, was he qualified to be a priest?
2. When did the story of Levites and their concubines take place? Please compare what the men of Gibeah did verses what the men of Sodom do in Genesis chapter 19?

3. In the battle between the Israelites and the people of Gibeah, why did God deliver the people of Benjamin into the Israelites’ hand on the third day? Didn’t God agree with the Israelites to defeat the people of Benjamin on the first two days?

4. Judges 17:6, 18:1, 19:1, 21:25 all mentioned there was no king in Israel? Was it true that Israel did not have a king?

1. Who is king in your daily life? How does it affect your level of joy and sense of fulfillment?

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