Wednesday, April 4, 2012

創世記 Genesis Lesson 13 (4/14)


1. 約瑟的哥哥們為甚麼嫉妒他、恨他,甚至到一個地步想要殺他?哥哥們中有誰想要救約瑟?
2. 自從雅各回到迦南地之後遭受了哪些打擊?為甚麼他跟以撒的經歷如此地不同?
3. 約瑟在波提乏家中做奴僕時,神如何祝福他?
4. 當約瑟因著敬畏神而拒絕了波提乏妻子的誘惑,但卻因此被誣陷在監獄裡,你覺得他應該會有甚麼樣的心路歷程?神在監獄中如何向約瑟施恩?

Bible Reading: Genesis Chapters 36 to 39

1. Why did Joseph's brothers envy him and hate him even to the point of wanting to kill him? Who among the brothers wanted to save Joseph's life?
2. What negative things happened to Jacob after his return to Canaan? Why was his journey so different from that of Isaac?
3. When Joseph was a slave in the house of Potiphar, how did God bless him?
4. When Joseph rejected the seduction of Potiphar's wife out of fear of God, but was falsely accused and imprisoned as a result, what do you think he went through in his mind and heart? How did God give grace to Joseph in the prison?

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